When it comes to support, anything goes ¨PhotoBomb Challenge¨ #215( Es-Eng)

in PhotoBomb Challenge2 years ago
Como están apasionados de esta increíble ¨PhotoBomb ChallengeCommunity¨:  Es increíble cómo pasan los días, si pareciera que fue ayer que participe de la invitación que nos hace nuestro amigo @fibra59 cada semana, a participar de este genial ¨PhotoBombChallenge¨:  Si te apasiona editar o manipular fotografías, este concurso te va a encantar y deberías participar

Source: Family Álbum

How passionate are you about this amazing ¨PhotoBomb ChallengeCommunity¨:  It's amazing how the days go by, if it seems like yesterday that I participated in the invitation that our friend @fibra59 makes us every week, to participate in this great ¨PhotoBombChallenge¨:  If you are passionate about editing or manipulating photographs, you are going to love this contest and you should participate

Lo que más me gusta de este desafío, es que cada semana tienes una nueva imagen para insertar en tus fotografías, la propuesta siempre es divertida, y en ocasiones debes ser creativo, o encontrar la fotografía idónea para insertar la imagen propuesta

Source: Family Álbum

What I like the most about this challenge is that every week you have a new image to insert in your photos, the proposal is always fun, and sometimes you have to be creative, or find the photo suitable for inserting the proposed image

Cuando se trata de apoyo, todo vale, hasta lo menos pensado puede ser de utilidad; La imagen de esta semana fue un verdadero reto para insertar en las fotografía familiar; Esta última me pareció muy tierna

Source: Family Álbum

When it comes to support, anything goes, even the least expected can be useful; This week's image was a real challenge to insert into family photography; This last one seemed very cute to me

Original photography

Fuente imagen insertada: 


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

When it comes to support, anything goes, even the least expected can be useful

Sometimes you receive the biggest help from where you least expect it. For example from complete strangers. I experienced and I constantly experience this. Especially on the Hive blockchain. And I am very grateful and very happy for this. Thank you to everyone for every help and every support.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
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