In which direction goes this tram?

in Train Spotting8 months ago (edited)

It wouldn't be a very good idea to walk on these tracks. The tram runs here every half hour.

In one direction.

And somewhere in that space of time, another tram from the opposite direction causes a disturbance to all those bushes that grow next to the tracks. Still, I was there, in the middle, between these two tracks challenging my fate. It could seem like a crazy idea, yes. But no real worries here as it was actually just a joke.

I stood there just for a few seconds, to take a photo.


But to get to safety, we climb onto the platform. From here we can meet the tram that connects the cities between Alicante and Denia (Spain). This tram station (as I wouldn't call it a railway station, that small it is) is located in Altea. A characteristic church with its blue dome and a tower is placed on the top of the old town, and from this point, we can see a little part of it. Did you notice it?


You didn't? Probably as we were focused on the tram. Let's try now without that distraction. But I don't blame you guys if it is still not visible, the roof of the platform on the other side messes up the view.


A different building, but also with blue domes is hiding in the next image, but I will not keep on with this find the church activity. It is not the theme we gathered here to talk about. This post is bringing a tram (which already went toward the next station until now) and a little station with its outbuildings.


A bit of music is coming too, as before I started to write this post I heard the beginning of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto. My son was listening to that great masterpiece in his room, as if the composer, Sergei wanted to come and share a story related to one of his journeys in train and the world premiere of that piece.

It happened in 1909 when the composer himself performed it in New York City. Because of the technical difficulty of the piece, no pianist wanted to prepare it. But Rachmaninoff, as a great pianist as he was, travelled by train toward New York and practised the composition mentally. In a train - could you imagine it?

He definitely could.


Music changed, and views changed too. Now we are seeing the tram station from the street. The white building, next to the station is Gran Hotel La Marina. I think it was also part of the station back in time.


The interior of the building is simple. A ticket vending machine, and one counter - which was closed when I was there.


There are no artworks on the wall, just a little board with the tram route and a window with books. Wow, a nice surprise, to see books that you can take away for free and read while you travel.


By the station, there is a part with two outbuildings, connected with tracks. I suppose they were used as hangars or a place where trains used to be repaired. But I'm not a professional in this field... do you maybe know what these buildings by the stations were used for?




There was an old machine, a kind of crane mounted on a wheeled platform. Parked there just it if would be a part of an outside exposition. I could be wrong though. Maybe it is still used in this little station.



What I do know {correction - I am just reading from this plate} is that it is coming from Vizkaya (a province of the Basque Country).


The Circulation Office was closed too!! I understand... as it was Sunday when my visit to Altea Tram Station happened. I could have chosen a different day 😁




I like the pictures, I think train stations are very cool place to take pictures, you can make portraits and find interesting stories, that one particularly haven't any people , that's because it's Sunday ? , my wife always tell me that There in Spain always there is a good reason for a celebration 🤣🤣🤣 and don't go to work 😅😅😂😅 it's that or the aliens again 😂😂😂

Hahaha, yeah, there is always a reason for not working here in Spain hahaha, and Sunday is a great example of that 😂

Señor Puma, gracias 😌

I love the train tracks and even more the trams! They are beautiful shots, in one sense and in another, that history that surrounds the place and I was looking at the pictures while listening to the music that you left, what a beauty!

It looked deserted, but it was Sunday, but it has its charm too, it looks like an abandoned place.

I really liked it @mipiano !❤️❤️❤️

Oh you know, Sundays are like this :D

But there were a few souls there, two or three in total haha. One guy that just missed his tram and a couple that came to wait for the next one. This is a very simple station, but anyway, it looks nice and clean. I think it was refurbished a few years ago ;)

Thank you @avdesing 😇

The simple is sometimes the most beautiful thing, it has an old movie feel to it and I love it!😀

What good views you have had. I have always wondered if you take photos with your cell phone or with a professional camera because they are all very beautiful and you have the gift of capturing us in the story you tell where the images also speak to us. This is another community that I have discovered thanks to you haha, I hope to have more emotions in my life apart from music to vary my content... ¡Te mando un cariñoso abrazo amiga! 🫂

Jes, I am your guide through communities on Hive 🤣🤣 hahahaha

Sometimes (just sometimes) I take the camera we have but usually, it is just the cell phone. I don't carry around a lot of weight, so that's how it is. Can't be compared to photographs made by professionals, but I try to be happy with my stuff (of course, with intentions to improve) 😌

I hope to have more emotions in my life apart from music to vary my content... ¡

Pues, Plácido Domingo - wow! Un sueño!

But they are enough for us to accompany you in your experiences, because even if it is not always a professional camera you have a good eye for photography. I really admire everything you share, you have talent. I am at this moment undecided between a new mobile with better resolution of photos and videos or a professional camera for my works in Hive. Awuí everything has to be well thought out because the money comes and goes very fast hahaha 🤣

I love you very much my community guide 🏆

Sometimes I wonder why I like train lines so much. I don't know... but I have to tell you that this walk through this tram station, listening to Rachmaninov, from the fingers of your favorite pianist, is just wonderful. The music is not over, and I don't want it to end.

You see how humble and simple is this tram station compared to the one from Porto, for example... and still, the railroads are here.

And now, 10 hours later, Rach 3 still plays through Marta's fingers? :)) (Rach 3 - we call this concert this way sometimes)
Have you watched the movie Shine? It's been a while since I watched it (though I did it several times). Es genial.

The train tracks always make you wonder about things like... where it comes from or where it takes you. 🙂 I think Rach 3 can be eternal and it all starts and ends in you. Ah me acordé ahora de Ismael Serrano.

La película ya quiero verla. La buscaré. 🦄

I thought it was a magical visit to this place. I love trains, in fact here in Buenos Aires there is a network of trains and railroads that are used daily as public transport! You have inspired me to take a couple of photos at the stations I visit frequently, when I do I will tag you, so you can enjoy too. Thanks for your publication!!

Yes, this tram is also used as public transport as the towns are so close one to another that it is almost all one :D

ou have inspired me to take a couple of photos at the stations I visit frequently, when I do I will tag you

Cool! Yes, you can do it, I will be happy to see that station. Thanks ;)

Cool little station. Brave you standing between the train tracks.
I think those little houses is where they stored the old trains, and repaired them.
I saw the church and the blue domes of the other building 😉
Hope your new week started well.
Have a wonderful October 👋🏻😊

Yes, probably where the trains were repaired. The gates were closed, but I imagine it is spacious inside. Glad you saw the domes, Altea can be recognized by it :)

The week started busy, as always. I hope you will have a nice journey (if I am not mistaken you are also travelling somewhere :D) and on Friday we fly to Poland. 😯

Sometimes… we just want to peak in, in closed doors and areas… hehehe
Thanks, it looks nice.

Yep, here too… as always.
Thank you kindly, you are right. Thursday we fly ✈️✈️✈️ to New England US for a road trip through 4 states. 😁 can’t wait… finally a break.

Have a nice journey too and safe flight. Enjoy the meeting! 😊

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Only tram I've been on has been going to other gates at an airport. How far are the two cities apart?

Now a city I live near is bringing back a street car network in its downtown area. I have to wait until 2026 when it's expected to be finished.

Have a great start to your week :)

Between those two cities, Alicante and Denia there are around 50, 55km, but the tram stops in every little town between them, which are almost all connected here by the coast.

I have to wait until 2026 when it's expected to be finished.

Fingers crossed the works are finished until that date :D

I'm excited for it, I really don't understand why they got rid of it so many years ago. A lot of people are excited for it I'm sure ridership will be busy. Will be like a new restaurant opening up, hehe.

Hola! Intente enviarte un mensaje en discord hace un par de meses pero creo que no estas activa por alla!

Como puedo contactarte? :D

Ok, supongo que eso fue un NO 😂

Gracias de todos modos @mipiano!

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Only? lol 😂

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I love train i have so many memories

But you have to be careful, the stones inside it are very beautiful and this place is very nice. Beautiful railway station.

The railway looks very clean
It looks so good and your pictures are so clean
Keep it up!

Thanks 😉

I haven't tried to ride train or tram, hopefully I can try one day.

Fingers crossed you can travel by a train one day 😇

I remember doing that as a kid, standing on the tracks and playing with destiny - but in the UK, trains were so infrequent you'd never actually end up risking anything lol (even though of course there are stories of people dying that way...)

Spain always looks like there's a subtle yellow filter... so nice. I just bought some Raybans with yellow tint so I can specifically enjoy that vibe day to day