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RE: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Hello @victorbch2,

You have the elements of a solid story here. You have an arc: Parents are concerned with making money, they shunt off care of their child to a maid, and the care suffers so much that the child dies. That is a complete arc. You have some character development: the parents are self absorbed.

This is an encouraging beginning of your story-writing career at the Ink Well!

I will offer some advice, since you are new to the community and I want to see you thrive. It would enrich the story if you focused a little more on how the child felt. Or on how one of the parents felt. That would help us to get involved with the characters. Also, you might describe the surroundings more--the house, the way the child looked perhaps. Even the maid.

While the advice you give is wise, it takes away from the power of your message. In a story, we usually don't tell our readers what is right and wrong. We usually describe a situation and let the readers come to their own conclusion.

These are just some suggestions. In the Ink Well response you have been given links to other tips about how to write a really smashing story.

I hope to read more from you in the future. Good luck, and keep writing.


Thanks buddy....I'll improve on my writing

I know you will, and we are here to help you reach your goal. Writing is a great outlet and also a way for all of us to share culture.

Good luck!