
Yes. She had always held a vision of what her mother was, but it was only part of the truth.
Sacrifice comes with pain and cost, but when its done for love - it is a wonder to behold.
Thankfully, she won't have to follow every bit of her mother's journey - that is not her path. But the baring (of her soul) and the uncovering (of her defenses) will be something that she uses to model before her own daughter.

I really did end up loving this story myself. I wasn't sure if I could do it justice, but the end made me happy.

Very true. And i have to admit i also go through that as well. I would have this great plot in my head, but putting it on paper would seem like an uphill task. Then once it's done you'll be like "whew!"
Until you realise you kinda wrote something of worth and you really like it.
You're not alone in this my friend, the fun is in writing it no matter how you feel you might not write it well.
Once again, good job @stormchaser.