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RE: Short Story The Yacht Millionaire - Fast and Furious Ink Festival - Day 4

So sad ... and yet, the story has its own inevitable logic, because not all people come to a happy ending ... sometimes, the consequences of sins indulged because a person thinks they are too rich, too young, too this, and too that to face those consequences break a person in the end ... people do become entombed in their consequences. I cannot say that I enjoyed this story, but it is a story to be understood as an important lesson, presented well. Well done.


Part of life is knowing that not all endings are happy and that is the reality.

Writing how I would deal with the problem would have been an expected outcome, but an alcoholic without a family is very difficult to get out of trouble, so I decided to leave the story up to that point.

Thank you very much for your objective comment, best regards @deeanndmathews

You're welcome ...

@deeanndmathews, Thank you for engaging with other authors. Meaningful feedback, such as you offer, is helpful and encouraging to them.

You're welcome...