The party that almost took my life.

in The Ink Well6 months ago

I graduated from secondary school with an overall best student in mathematics, financial accounting, and economics. My principal invited me to his office and said to me "You are an amazing student with a brilliant performance but your quietness is something that baffles me"

I smiled and replied, that is my nature, sir, he laughed and replied that in a few weeks, you would be writing Joint Admission Matriculation Board(JAMB) and gaining admission into a higher institution.

He further added that cultists in higher institutions like quiet sets of people, they easily force them into cultism because no one will suspect that they are into cultism.

He then advised me not to go to any party that is organized by a certain set of students because they organize "parties" so that they could hunt and force new students into cultism.

After some weeks, I wrote external examinations and my performance was amazing.

I ought to gain admission into the university but because I have no one to help me follow up with the admission processes, I was denied admission to the University but gained admission into the polytechnic.

I was not happy about gaining admission into the polytechnic because gaining admission into the university was my priority but my dad urged me to embrace the fact that I gained admission without wasting a year at home.

I was left with the option to process the admission and complete the necessary documentation.

I resumed school and as a fresher, I did not know my way around the polytechnic likewise other freshers as well but to my surprise some guys volunteered to show us around, asking for our cell numbers and the location of our hostels.

Some of the guys look a bit rugged and as a result, I decided not to give out any of my details.

Lots of parties were organized for the freshers, but I recall what my principal told me and I decided not to attend any of these parties.

The following week, a lady walked up to me she introduced herself as Lilian and said she liked the fact that I am a quiet guy and that she would love to be a friend, and I replied no problem.

We normally study together, i do help lots of my fellow students with the assignment or task and as a result, I have lots of students who like me and love to be around me.

David a friend of mine likes to study with me, he said he always assimilates very fast whenever read together.

David told me to say away from Lilian that he thinks she belongs to "black bra" which was a female confraternity, but he said he wasn't that sure about his claim.

But Lilian on the other hand claims to be a good Christian and I always see her with the bible.

To cut a long story short, Lilian invited me to a birthday "party" and the location was quite far from school.

I wasn't comfortable about the distance but Lilian said there would be free buses that would move us to and fro and I agreed to go to the night party.

When it was around 10:30 pm, Lilian and two guys came to keep me up in my hostel, we picked up some other guys on the way as we were going.

I asked Lilian "Hope your friends from the church are coming as well"? She said that they followed the other vehicle and I replied okay.

we arrived at the "party" around 11:37p.m and most of the guys were on black and they were busy smoking Indian hemp, Lilian was greeting a guy in a cult manner, and when I called her to ask what was going on she was like go to hell bro, I said to myself this can't be a party, I have been lured here for something else.



I was really scared and I knew anything could happen here without anybody knowing.

when it was around 12:30 a.m., a guy echoed and shouted let the initiation begin, my mind skipped and I almost fainted.

They brought out guns and cutlasses, and they started shooting into the Skye, our eyes were covered in black, our hands tied to the back, and they beat us mercilessly.

They said we have two options, it's either we get initiated or get killed.

I shouted Aah please help me I don't want to be killed, immediately I said that, I heard a deep voice saying is that not Holler's voice? I shouted it's me Holler, he then asked again, you mean the one that always assists students with their assignments or tasks? I replied yes sir.

He said to one other guy, keep this holler guy in a separate place, the guy replied yes boss.

I keep hearing some students crying and a series of gunshots.

The man with the deed voice ordered a guy to cover my face properly and take me back to my hostel that midnight, he said he decided to come to my aid just because I am a nice guy and that I have been helping students with their problems in school including him and as well warned me never to discuss what transpired here tonight with anybody.

The guy carried me on a bike back to my hostel that night, and when I got home, I could not sleep till the following day.

It took me days before going to school and when I got to school, I heard some freshers had gone missing but I dared not say anything about that night.

While sitting in the cafeteria, Lilian walked towards me with a guy beside her, she asked how are you doing?

I was already shaking and I answered fine Ma'am, she said speak not about that night, we got your back, and I replied thanks, ma'am.

Ever since that night, I stopped going to all kinds of parties till my very last day at that polytechnic.

Thanks for stopping by.


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Creepy! I've read and heard about this kind of initiation parties, but I had thought it was all bullshit, made up by people. I studied at a university and currently work at a university and thank God I haven't heard of this kind of party. Greetings

It happens and thanks to the fact that the security agencies are working effortlessly to make sure that all of that becomes a thing of the past.

Thanks for stopping by.

Wow, how terribly disturbing, @holler. Do you mean that you believe some of the students were killed when they would not comply with the requirements of the cult? What an awful situation. It's understandable that you were too afraid to talk about it, but certainly someone needed to explain the circumstances to the police!

It was a terrible situation and I am 100% sure that during the initiation process, there are always lots of lives.

The authority seldomly knows the location where the act will be carried out, and even if they do, they always have a nonchalant attitude toward the situation.

Reporting such case to the authorities is at my peril because some police officers, lecturers, powerful politicians, etc also belong to this group, and the issue will be linked back to me, which I am very sure of.

We have heard and witnessed lots of killings by the cult group and exposing them is always very risky.

My sister graduated from the same polytechnic and on the day of her graduation, we witnessed a killing at a very close range, my sister's gown was stained with the guy's blood.

Thought this initiative parties only happened in movies😨 But wait! I don't understand, was it by force to be initiated or what.
Well, thank God for your kindness, you were served. That's why it is good to be kind and good.

It's actually by force and it's either you join them or get killed.

It is always in a rare case that one will leave the initiation party without choosing either of the options above.

Your principal advised you. You try your best to act upon it and not to fall prey of it. Somehow, you became victim of it. Thanks that you became saved. You helped fellows and your good deed helped you to save from it.

Thanks for stopping by.

Ewo. I was trying not to believe it was real but it was indeed. Chai. God saved you and for the fact that your good attitude saved you that day. Trusting people is always dangerous especially those who pretend to be otherwise like Lilian. Who could have believed she was into a cult group except those who are close to her. Thank God you were safe and those students who died as a result, so bad!

Trusting the wrong person like Lilian was my greatest mistake but It pays to be good.

Thank you for stopping by.

You are welcome.

OMG! 😲 That was a near- death experience.
This is why it's always good to help others no matter who they are, in any way you can. If not for your kind spirit of helping people out with their assignments, who knows what would have become of you.

Thank God someone recognized your voice as well as your benevolent act and spared your life. Truly, what goes around, comes around.


You are very correct sis, the write-up summarizes that, what goes around, comes around.

And it's totally understandable to abstain from such gatherings. Your mind acts like a shield and it's more aware about your personal safety.
Thanks for sharing it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of vigilance in this kinda situations.

#dreemport #dreemerforlife

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You're welcome 🤗