Unexpected Surprise / Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #23

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Les saludo amigos, espero que se encuentren bien;

Hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes mi participación en la iniciativa creativa de no ficción, presentada cada semana por The Ink Well, El mensaje de escritura creativa de esta ronda # 23 es: "La mayor sorpresa de mi vida".
Todos quisiéramos recibir sorpresas agradables, pero también las hay desagradables, las primeras nos brindan alegría, las segundas decepción, les voy a relatar una inesperada sorpresa que por suerte fue de las buenas.

Greetings friends, I hope you are well;

Today I come to share with you my participation in the creative nonfiction initiative, presented each week by The Ink Well, The creative writing prompt for this round #23 is: "The Biggest Surprise of My Life."
We would all like to receive pleasant surprises, but there are also unpleasant ones, the first ones bring us joy, the second ones disappointment, I am going to tell you about an unexpected surprise that fortunately was one of the good ones.




Sujetando la copa del equipo ganador, fue inevitable recordar la grata sorpresa que me lleve al ver mi nombre en la selección del equipo de futbol femenino de la escuela, sobre todo porque no fue fácil convencer a mi madre para que me diera permiso de jugar, ya que iba a las practicas a escondidas de ella, porque decía que era un deporte para varones.


Desde el primer día que toque un balón de futbol, surgió en mí el deseo de jugar, le comente a mi madre, pero a ella y a mi abuela no les gustó esa idea, igual me anote para asistir a las practicas, a veces no podía asistir, el entrenador estaba conforme con mi rendimiento, así que no le daba mucha importancia a que faltará a algunos encuentros; Llego el día de la selección del equipo y me lleve la sorpresa de ver cristalizado mi sueño de estar en el equipo, pero debía traer una autorización firmada por mi madre, para estar dentro.
_Mamá, mamá, llegue gritando a casa
- Estoy en la cocina, respondió
Enseguida fui hasta ella, y le dije:
_Necesito hablar contigo.
- ¿Dime? Dijo y se sentó en la silla
Le explique que debía firmar una autorización para que asistiera a prácticas de futbol, le dije que era parte de la materia de Deportes,
-De inmediato respondió: - No puede ser otra disciplina, el futbol es para varones.
_ Si no asisto reprobare la materia, le respondí.
Se quedó un rato pensando, me toco darle una y otra vez, la misma explicación, hasta que accedió a firmar, sin muchas ganas pero lo hizo.
- Nada más te advierto que si hay que pagar por eso, hasta ese día formas parte del fulano equipo.
Después de algunas semanas, nos informaron que había un campeonato intercolegial pero si queríamos participar debíamos comprar el uniforme.
- Un no rotundo, fue la respuesta de mi madre al saber esto
Esto me puso muy triste, me tocaba renunciar a mi sueño, igual seguí asistiendo a los entrenamientos; En esos días hubo un juego amistoso, casualmente mi madre había ido a retirar mi boletín, mis calificaciones eran excelentes, además mi profesor guía le felicito porque era la mejor del equipo; Ella fue a buscarme y me vio jugar, sin que yo me diera cuenta.
Al terminar el juego, recogí mis cosas y me retire a la casa, al llegar mi madre me esperaba sentada en la sala y me dijo:
- Ven al Cuarto!
Pase un poco asustada, sin saber que me tenía una inesperada sorpresa, mi uniforme del equipo estaba allí sobre mi cama; Grite, llore y abrace a mi madre, sin duda fue una agradable sorpresa.




Holding the cup of the winning team, it was inevitable to remember the pleasant surprise I got when I saw my name in the selection of the girls' soccer team of the school, especially because it was not easy to convince my mother to give me permission to play, since I went to practice hiding from her, because she said it was a sport for boys.


From the first day I touched a soccer ball, the desire to play arose in me, I told my mother, but she and my grandmother did not like the idea, I still signed up to attend practice, sometimes I could not attend, the coach was satisfied with my performance, so he did not give much importance to miss some games; The day of the team selection came and I was surprised to see my dream of being on the team crystallized, but I had to bring an authorization signed by my mother, to be inside.

Mom, mom, I came home screaming.
- I'm in the kitchen," she answered.
I immediately went to her and said, "I need to talk to you:
I need to talk to you.
- I need to talk to you. She said and sat down in the chair
I explained to her that I had to sign an authorization for her to attend soccer practice, I told her that it was part of the Sports subject,
-He immediately answered: "It can't be any other discipline, soccer is for boys.
If I don't attend, I will fail the subject," I replied.
I had to give him the same explanation over and over again, until he agreed to sign, not very willingly, but he did.
- I just warn you that if you have to pay for it, until that day you are part of the so called team.
After a few weeks, we were informed that there was an intercollegiate championship but if we wanted to participate we had to buy the uniform.
- A resounding no, was my mother's answer when she heard this.
This made me very sad, I had to give up my dream, but I continued to attend training; In those days there was a friendly game, coincidentally my mother had gone to pick up my report card, my grades were excellent, plus my teacher guide congratulated her because she was the best of the team; She went to look for me and saw me play, without me noticing.
When the game was over, I picked up my things and went home, when I arrived my mother was waiting for me sitting in the living room and told me:
- Come to the room!
I was a little scared, not knowing that she had an unexpected surprise for me, my team uniform was there on my bed; I screamed, cried and hugged my mother, no doubt it was a pleasant surprise.


Las imágenes fueron diseñadas en Canva
The images were designed in Canva
Translated at DeepL Traductor



How awesome. That is how every parent should be but this is not a perfect world.

I'm glad the story had a happy ending.

Si vale el apoyo de los padres es algo muy importante, saludos!

Hello @inessita

Welcome to Hive and The Inkwell community!
Your story was an interesting and entertaining one, and that was indeed a lovely surprise from your mum:)

As you are new, here are some important notes as you get to know our community:

  • Please be sure to read The Ink Well community rules at the top of The Ink Well community home page.
  • We are all about quality short stories and engagement.
  • We ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other writers' work in the community for every story published.
  • We keep a watchful eye out for spam and plagiarism, which are not tolerated.
  • You can find an overview of our community and what we're about in our manifesto.
  • We provide weekly writing prompts to inspire our community of writers.
  • You can find many fiction writing resources in our catalogue of fiction writing tips.

For your dual language post, we would recommend that you post the English version as the dominant language since this is predominantly an English-speaking community.

Also, we notice that there was incorrect usage of pronouns His (male) and her(female) and he(male) and she(female), so here are some tips for you. The Ink Well has some great resources in our catalogue of fiction writing tips.
We recommend the article, Help for the Grammatically Challenged, which provides important tips on how to use Google Docs to draft your stories. It will point out errors that need to be fixed, and you can fix them by clicking on them.
Again, welcome!

Muchas gracias por sus consejos, los tomaré en cuenta al escribir mi próxima publicación,

Wow! that was an unexpected surprise from your mom. She actually wanted to see you happy knowing you were determined to be among the soccer player and also, I think your good performance prompted her to do that too. She did what she had to do as a mother would.

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