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RE: The End

in The Ink Well3 years ago

What an interesting story. It left me with so many questions, as time travel stories often do. I found it both intriguing and baffling that she would smash the time machine to prevent herself from going to any other point in time, especially if her hear is full of expectation. Well... it is very successful as "flash fiction," which tends to give the reader just enough to prick our senses and our curiosity, before leaving us to ponder.


I think people often find that they are tired of this world, and ready for the next (whatever may come) but there is a part of that person that thinks about how the world will continue to degrade, toxins increase, politics rot - etc.

She just wanted to have it all come to an end and take the journey with everyone into the next realm.

To start over, and have no temptation to go back. Only forward. :-)
I'm sorry I missed your comment!