One More Day - Life Fiction

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)

a certain part of my life is filled with hot afternoons. I still remember those days wandering around the city with a water bottle in hand. that was the only weapon I had to survive those days. It's the time I was searching for a job, attending interviews, free seminars and a lot of boring free time. It was time I started smoking, so that water wasn't enough to satisfy my thirst. but even in that scenario, I smoked a lot.

Those days I felt like my World is too small, there isn't much left to explore. for me, the whole world was a bunch of boring buildings with boring people's. I still couldn't say I had a home at that time.everywhere was same. I wanted to move from one place to another.whenever my mind got blank I was happy. thinking about anything gave me happiness at that time. Every thought was followed by unending strong of question.

The questions about how I am going to survive. There wasn't not much around me to give some pleasure for my eyes. no seen meant anything. so the only escape was closing my ears, the world of music. I have heard great thinkers saying that every sound in nature had some music.for me that was a stupid saying, those tires screeching sounds and those loved horses were killing my ears.

An earphone felt like a practical solution for this doesn't inspire me that much, but it gives me a small push to go forward, made me feel like there was a better tomorrow.that was a real pleasure. sometimes I could feel my footsteps kind of becoming in the same rhythm of the music I have heard. And that music never stopped, nor my walking.

It was time I started to realize money is not like what those stupid philosophers say. it isn't a thing that materializes the thought of a person.its the thing that gives him some peace even for a short time. even if money Can't give complete happiness, as they say, it could give some happiness at the time he was getting it.
A small piece of happiness is far better than complete sadness.