Creative Nonfiction: Love does not wait

in The Ink Well11 months ago



Love does not wait

Sometimes we wonder what would have happened to us if we had done or said something we didn't say or didn't do, if we had dared, if we had the opportunity to turn back time, that time that always goes forward and never stops.

I have already spoken here about the first time I met love. I met it far from my home and the city where I live. It was love at first sight, but I had to go back home to my parents, so I moved away without the hope of seeing him again.

When I arrived home, my mother looked at me and told me that I had something strange, that I looked different. without being able to hide it, I confessed that I had fallen in love, but that it would soon pass, I told her coldly, as if love were a fever that passes with the days. I was young and the pride of youth has no limits.



Three months went by in which I felt that a part of me was missing, as if I had left a piece of my heart and my mind trapped in some unknown corner or place. After those three months, a friend called me and told me to come to her house because she had a surprise for me. I remember that I told her that I would go in the evening but that I would be with her for an hour because I had to do some unfinished university work. When I arrived at my friend's house, my heart skipped a beat in my chest: there he was, the guy I had fallen in love with, waiting for me.

After the respective greetings, he told me that he had traveled for 6 hours, from his city to mine, because he missed me. So he told me and I couldn't be happier with those words. Then he told me to take a ride in his car and when I was about to tell him that I could not, he said to me:

_I have something very important to tell you.

We got in the car and started driving around. As we drove around the city, we talked about him and me, about everything. I don't know how many laps we drove around, but by the time I saw the clock it was very late. I asked him to take me home and he did. When he arrived in front of my house, he turned off the car and said to me in a low voice:

_I would like you to be my girlfriend.

I said yes and we kissed.



I didn't know what to say. The words caught in my throat. That Yes that he wanted me to say to him didn't come out. I just said:

_Marry me time? Remember I'm studying. I can't drop out of school and go with you. I'm in the middle of my degree and my parents have made an immense effort to pay for my studies.....

To everything I said, he looked for a solution. For example, that I would continue studying in his city, that I could take a career similar to the one I was studying here and that I could come to visit my parents whenever I wanted.

In the end, I told him:

_Give me time, please. Let me graduate and then we'll see. It's too soon now. I only ask you to wait a little longer.

After that, there was a terrible silence, one of those infinite silences, as if every second weighed a tonne.Without looking at me, he just said an OK, dry, blunt, that hurt.

He started the car, drove me home in silence and, when I was about to get out of the car, I tried to kiss him, but he rejected me. I said to him:

_You are breaking my heart.

He looked at me straight ahead and his eyes were dark and glassy, but they expressed bitterness:

_That's fine, at that he looked at the clock, because it's exactly one hour since my heart has been broken.

Then he said goodbye, started the car and didn't come back to look for me.


This was the place where they declared themselves to me.

All images are free to use. The last image belongs to my personal gallery and the text was translated with Deepl

The Ink Well.png

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It’s so sad that your your newfound love couldn’t understand that you needed to have your life in order before you could abandon yourself to love. Ultimately, it seems that you made the right decision because his lack of patience might’ve cost you your education.

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Thank you. I have done so. Regards

Hard story. That's one of the strongest breakups I've read so far. How sad that happened to you. But it's like they say in the comments, the impatience he had was not very good, besides, as a partner, he should have also taken into account your feelings and plans for the future. Greetings, friend.

Yes, I think his urgency and my youth did not match. In any case, that experience helped me to know that love is not left for later. Hugs

Wow, that's so sad and I can't even begin to explain how it feels to witness such level of selfishness. I think that even though your heart did break by his actions, that it was for the best because if he can't even understand your need for time, what's the aim?

I hope you're better now. You don't deserve it. No one does actually.🌺

I was not prepared to take on such a big responsibility, even if I wanted it very much. Thank you for your comment. Regards

Why the hurry?
You both had barely even gotten to know yourselves.
A little more time wouldn't hurt, as far as you have each other.
It's sad that this happened to you.
He was somewhat selfish.
Hope you're doing good and feeling good now??

Yes, I have always believed that things happen for a reason. That was the best decision. Thanks for commenting. Regards

They are loves that last a fleeting moment like a fire that burns a lot and then goes out. A sad unconsolidated love story, despite everything it must be considered a very beautiful experience while it lasted.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Exactly! I think that in the end, what matters is the experience gained. Greetings and thanks for commenting.

My goodness, the bitterness he sent your way just because you wanted time. I couldn't believe it!

You told this story very well, it kept me wanting to know more and find out what happened after every paragraph.