Andres' bicycle [ENG][ESP]

in The Ink Well4 months ago

Andres is a 20 year old boy who with his outgoing and cheerful way of being wins people's hearts, he is the oldest of 4 siblings, a family that stole my heart, I saw those boys for the first time when Andres was about 4 years old. Life is not always easy but if you surround yourself with the right people it becomes more bearable. That's how they thought, although I have been with them for many years, they were so easy to love that I came to see them as my friends.

What always characterized Andres was his passion for cycling, it was his companion and he took care that nothing happened to him. On weekends we would spend time together as a family, even my son considered them his friends and it was one of the first names he learned, he liked to share with Andres.

One Sunday afternoon Andres and his brother Javier came to visit us, they played musical instruments and sang, my son loves music, so they spent the afternoon singing and playing for him. He enjoyed it very much. But the next morning we see an ad on social networks that said: -BICYCLE FOR SALE-. This filled me with concern, it was Andres' partner and she was selling it. I decided to write him to see what was going on because it seemed very strange that he had made that decision. Hours later I received a reply from Andres -I have a debt to pay and I need to sell it-.

Andrés es un chico de 20 años que con su manera de ser, extrovertida y alegre se gana el corazón de las personas, él es el mayor de 4 hermanos, una familia que me robó el corazón, es que a esos chicos los vi por primera vez cuando Andrés tenía más o menos 4 años. La vida no siempre es fácil pero si te rodeas de las personas correctas se hace más llevadera. Así pensaban ellos, aunque yo les llevo muchos años eran tan fáciles de querer que los llegué a ver como mis amigos.

Lo que siempre caracterizaba a Andrés era su pasión por andar en bicicleta, era su compañera y cuidaba que nada le pasara. Los fines de semana pasabamos el rato compartiendo en familia, incluso mi hijo los consideraba sus amigos y fue uno de los primeros nombres que se aprendió, le gustaba compartir con Andrés.

Una tarde del domingo llegaron Andrés y su hermano Javier a visitarnos, ellos tocaban instrumentos musicales y cantaban, mi hijo ama la música, así que pasaron la tarde cantando y tocando para él. Lo disfrutó muchísimo. Pero la mañana siguiente vemos un anuncio en las redes sociales que decía: —SE VENDE BICICLETA—. Esto me llenó de preocupación, era la compañera de Andrés y la estaba vendiendo. Decidí escribirle a ver que estaba pasando porque me parecía muy raro que hubiera tomado esa decisión. Horas más tarde recibí una respuesta de Andrés —tengo una deuda que debo pagar y es necesario que la venda—.

Image in pixabay by Randgruppe

I answered immediately -Do NOT sell it yet, let's talk later to see if I can buy it from you-. Andres accepted the proposal and in the afternoon he came to talk to me, he told me the price he was selling it for, but what mattered to me was to know the reason. After asking him a thousand times he told me -you know that my mother has a very serious respiratory problem and I need to sell the bicycle and other things to be able to cover the expenses-. I knew what that bicycle meant to him, but his mother's health was above all and it was not the first time they lived that, but this time it was more delicate.

I could not buy the bicycle for Andres, but I wanted to support my friends in everything, so I took weekly from my earnings to collaborate with them, several neighbors and friends began to do the same and with that and the sale of the bicycle they were able to make the studies to Andres' mother. Her condition was chronic, she had been suffering from bronchial asthma for many years and the place where we live was not recommended for her. Very close to where we live there are long hectares of sugar cane plantations, to harvest the cane it is necessary to burn it, the reason is that they have many small thorns that hurt when they are cut, when it is burned the work is easier. When the harvest comes, the smoke does not allow us to see clearly and a person who suffers from Asthma cannot live in these conditions.

Le respondí inmediatamente —NO la vendas todavía, hablemos más tarde a ver si yo te la puedo comprar—. Andrés aceptó la propuesta y en la tarde vino a hablar conmigo, me dijo el precio en que la estaba vendiendo, pero a mi lo que me importaba era saber la razón. Después de preguntarle mil veces me dijo —sabes que mi mamá tiene un problema respiratorio muy grave y necesito vender la bicicleta y otras cosas para poder cubrir los gastos—. Yo sabía lo que significaba esa bicicleta para él, pero la salud de su mamá estaba muy por encima de todo y no era la primera vez que vivían eso, pero en esta oportunidad era mas delicado.

Yo no podía comprar la bicicleta de Andrés, pero quería apoyar a mis amigos en todo, así que sacaba semanalmente de mis ganancias para colaborar con ellos, varios vecinos y amigos comenzaron a hacer lo mismo y con eso y la venta de la bicicleta lograron hacerle los estudios a la mamá de Andrés. La condición de ella era crónica habían sido muchos años padeciendo de Asma bronquial y el sitió donde vivimos no era recomendable para ella. Muy cerca de donde vivimos hay largas hectáreas de siembras de caña de azúcar, para cosechar la caña es necesario quemarla, la razón es que tienen muchas espinas pequeñas que hacen daño al cortarlas, cuando se quema el trabajo se hace más fácil. Cuando llega la cosecha el humo no deja que veamos con claridad y una persona que sufre de Asma no puede vivir en esas condiciones.

Image in pixabay by lincerta

Andres and his family decided to leave the country and gathered peso by peso to do so, although it hurt us that they were leaving we helped as much as we could so that Andres' mother could leave as soon as possible. A few months passed and the whole family left the country with the hope of finding a better future. Andres recently told me that he is almost ready to buy a bicycle again, that they are doing well and his mother's health is much better. It is very sad to see the children we have watched grow up and become a family leave us, but at the same time it is very happy to see how they are able to overcome and begin to fulfill their dreams.

This taught me that no matter what decisions we have to make, the important thing is to have many friends to support you to get better, friends that even if it hurts them what you decided will be there, those who will feel your pain and dry your tears when you have to say goodbye to something as precious as it was for Andres his bike.

Andrés y su familia decidieron salir del país y reunieron peso por peso para hacerlo, aunque nos dolía que se fueran ayudamos en todo lo que pudimos para que la mamá de Andrés se fuera lo antes posible. Pasaron unos meses y toda la familia salió del país con la esperanza de encontrar un mejor futuro. Andrés hace poco me contó que ya le falta poco para comprar de nuevo una bicicleta, que les está yendo bien y su mamá está mucho mejor de salud. Da mucha tristeza ver como se van chicos que vimos crecer, que se convirtieron en familia, pero a la vez da alegría ver como se logran superar y comienzan a cumplir sus sueños.

Esto me enseñó que sin importar las decisiones que tengamos que tomar, lo importante es tener muchos amigos que te apoyen para mejorar, amigos que aunque les duela lo que decidiste estarán allí, esos que sentirán tu dolor y secaran tus lágrimas cuando te toque despedirte de algo tan preciado como lo era para Andrés su bicicleta.

Image in pixabay by cocoparisienne

Encabezado de correo electrónico 600x200 px - Gráfico de Tumblr - Banner de Tumblr.gif

Publication originally written in Spanish and translated by translator Deepl.

Publicación escrita originalmente en español traducida por Deepl traductor.


Hello, @nathy33

A very touching story that evidences the power of friendship, and sacrifice for the greater good.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

This is a lovely story you have framed around the bicycle prompt, @nathy33. It reads as though it actually happened. You bring Andres and his problem to life for us. The community coming together and helping friends to leave is touching. The arc of the story is very good. It has a beginning, a central conflict and a resolution.

In the future it would be better if the translation and the original were not broken up. If you could publish the English version and then the Spanish version, that would be easier to read.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, @nathy33

Me alegro por la mamá de Andrés. Es un buen chico por ayudar a su madre, incluso entrego su bicicleta.

Wow! That's so kind of you guys to have supported as good neighbors.

I enjoyed reading this 👍

What a touching story, Andre dedication to help his mother alone is so touching, thank you for being available to help and like you said when you have the right people around you honestly you will definitely survive no matter how difficult your problems are.

I guess it's true what they say, "life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving... and sometimes sell it to foot the medical bill of a loved one", as it was the case with Andres.

I was pleased to see how Andres and his family faced such challenges and yet came out strong as a result of the community support initiated by you. Well done.

His passion for cycling won't die, and I'm sure the new bike he is planning to buy will carry even more beautiful memories.

I am glad Andre had friends who supported him in time of need. It is not easy doing things alone.

This story reminds us the power of compassion and solidarity. It is so heartwarming to see how collective support made a difference in their lives.
Andres' story of selling his cherished bicycle to support his mother's health needs underscores the importance of community and the willingness to help in times of adversity.
Nice piece , thank you for sharing @nathy33!