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RE: Theinkwell poetry challenge | Semana 3 -/ Tentación/Temptation

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Very intriguing work! At first I thought it a poem about love of a human, but after a few readings, I understand it as a poem about the extraordinary beauty in a bloom, a beauty that lasts longer than a human life.
(I don't understand the 37 degrees.)

I adore this line:

Let an angel hold my daring hand!

I like your poem a lot.


Thanks, @owasco, for your kind comment.
37 degrees is human heat, it is fatal for flowers. That is why I say that it is hell, a sin ...

Oh! haha Stupid American, where we measure temperature in Fahrenheit. Thank you for clarifying. That line makes beautiful sense now. Very nice!

Oh, true! I should have thought about that when translating.