The Inkwell Poetry Callenge| She's Someone's Daughter

in The Ink Well4 years ago


The path is not clear

But her vision is

But they want to blur her sight and weaken her fragile soul

Spraying hindrances on the road is their goal

And her's is to keep moving despite the hindrances

Despite her body dying

For her soul isn't ready to go

Love or hate her

She doesn't care

She only pleads for you not to distraught her journey

For she is someone's daughter

And her mother bled the day she was born

She brought tears to her mother's eyes

For she is a blessing to her

And she is ready to fight off every oppressor

To get what she wants

For she long to see her mother share a tear

A tear for joy

Thanks for reading. I remain @prechyrukky and this is my entry to the @inkwell poetry challenge. You can join here.