The fall of a man is not the end of his life: The ink Well Prompt 49

in The Ink Well3 years ago


There was a village which we called Amuloko village and in this village, there was a man who has a lot of properties, servants, and he was also into the business of buying and selling to the extent that no one can challenge him and whatever in which they want to do in the village he must be carried along with it so to enable him to donate towards the programme.

One day, the King and council of elders deliberate about the good things which Samson used to do for the people in the community and decide to honour him with a chieftaincy title as "Mayegun of Amuloko Town" and they sent for him through Palace guards that King required his presence in the palace and it is urgent. Samson was worried about it because he thought that what is happening to the extent that King sent Palace guards to summon him to the palace? He said okay, please tell the King of Amuloko that I will be with him in a jiffy. The guards left Samson house and returned to the palace to give the king feedback where he sent them.

When Samson got to the palace, he prostrated before the king that kabiesio, you sent for me. The King said, Yes, you were called to inform that the town has concluded that you should be honoured for the chieftaincy title and they just want to hear your response about it. He said to me! Chief? Who am I? Yes, King, it is my pleasure to receive it but I want you to give me some time to inform my family and friends to enable them to get prepared for it because we have to celebrate it. Please if you can grant me this it will be my pleasure. The King said, alright, your wish is our command. But you have to make it fast.
Samson did the celebration with the cheers of euphoria and families and friends were there to grace the occasion. During the merriment, everyone in the town enjoyed themselves with different beers and they were chanting his name that Chief Mayegun! Chief Mayegun!! Chief Mayegun!!! and they were dancing up and down of the town with the help of drummers who were also singing a melody sing to the drums.

After a while, things started to change negatively for him. His company got burnt out overnight, the goods which he was expecting from abroad sank into the deep sea and the farm that used to give him a lot of wealth was also seized by the government and the reason for this action known to him.

Thereafter, no one reckons with him. If he goes to the occasion where they used chanting his name when musicians are performed during the merriment as a rich man, they will just look at him as a common man not to talk of offering him food to eat because there is no money again. He said, what a cruel world is this? Because I don't have money to donate again and you are doing this to me. The people that eat and dine with me when I was in cash and now that I have no money to throw around again and you are doing this. Am I deserving this? Even at the Palace where they used to call me for an important issue, they did not invite me to any matter again and if I am fortunate to be there when everyone is contributing towards the matter, they didn't recognise my present not to talk about saying something. Samson said that It is better to bury me in mud than continue to experience this. He was lost in thought concerning his present situation.

What kind of life is this? It is better to know that you are hustling to make money than being in money before and back to square one. He said to himself, let me end everything that this world is not meant for me.

Samson decided to hang himself on the tree. When he was going to the bush, Samson stopped by the roadside to buy rope which will facilitate his mission but the shop owner know him very well that he was in a difficult time which no one can bear without serious and adherence counselling. The shop owner sold to him the ropes that he will be used for his suicide mission and decided to follow him without being noticed that somebody is trailing him. When he got to the bush where the suited mission will be accomplished, he had tied a rope to the tree and the man tapped his shoulder saying why Chief Mayegun? What happened to you is a lesson to know that anything can happen to anyone in respect of his age or status in the community. No condition is permanent, God is there for you if you don't see friends and family members by your side again.

Let me tell you something, do you know what happened to Job in the Bible, all that he had then perished and he fell sick to the extent that his wife asked him to say negative words to God, but he didn't sin to God. Almighty God later returned all his loss. The same God will change your story, see you through this hard time and elevate you again. Please go home and pray to God, he will answer you.
The End

Thank you for your time and effort to view my blog.
Warm regards


I'm so happy that he saw this person that acted like a guardian angel. Sometimes its so difficult for a lot of people but suicide is never the answer.

A story with a message and a reference to well-known example. In the Judeo-Christian Bible, Job indeed offers an example for people to endure and not bewail their fate.

Thank you for posting this story in the Ink Well community. We appreciate that you support other authors with your feedback.

Hello @raymondpeter: Please provide a source for your image. Is it your own (did you take it) or did you get it from a public domain source. We look forward to your response.

The image used for this post is my own, I did not take it from any online source. I appreciate you for your observation and I believe that you are making sure that original content is being posted here. I used my smartphone infinix Hot 10T Camera to capture this person from far away and with the help of snapseed app to make it fit the purpose for which I intend to use it for.
Once again, I think you for your usual support. God will not forsake you at the time of need.

When life gets overwhelming, it can be hard for some people to feel they can carry on. It was good that the shop owner followed his intuition about why Samson was buying the rope.

Your picture is quite remarkable. You could enter it into a photo contest!

@jayna thank you for your encouragement and everyone on @theinkwell community who has contributed to this post. Once again, I say thank you all.

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