The Ink Well Prompt #30: Learning A New Skill

It was a sunny afternoon, I can remember how the sun rays felt on my skin through the glass window, I was in the living room watching my favorite movie at that point. The name of the movie was the “Princess Diary”. It’s one of the most popular movies by Anne Hathaway.The movie had a scene where Anne Hathaway was preparing to go to school, she went outside and met her friend, whose name I can’t remember right now. They both hopped on their scooter and rode to school. The scooter caught my attention as I saw it as a cool means of transportation since I was bored of riding my usual bicycle. I told my dad about it and he bought it for me.


I had never rode a scooter before in my life, but I had a friend who once told me about having a scooter. I called him with the house phone and told him I had a scooter but couldn’t ride it. He agreed to teach me how to ride it, but we needed a place where there was no obstacles and had a very smooth path. There was a park close to his house which had a river by the side of the park. This was a cool area to learn how to ride a scooter but it gets a little crowded during the day because everybody wants to spend time at the park.

I’m a shy person while learning a new skill, so I suggested I learn how to ride the scooter in the midnight. This time it’s just me, my friend and my scooter. He agreed, we snuck out of the house in the midnight, went to the park and he taught me how to ride a scooter. Anytime I go to the park, I keep getting those memories, because that was one of the truest form of friendship memory I have received in my life. Especially learning a new skill and trusting your friend to teach you.


"Princess Diary"--I liked that movie and I was quite mature when I watched it. Thought it was well acted and has a nice message.

Your story brings us all back to childhood, to early memories and first experiences. There is nothing more poignant than these recollections from long ago. This was a pleasant read. Thank you!

Glad you liked my story. I can watch the princess diary anytime any day.

Great. Your story remind us when we were children. Childhood make us happy.
We learnt manything and try do the best. Practice to ride a scooter or anything is very useful.

Thanks a lot for appreciating

My pleasure

This story reads as a fictionalized reminiscence, which qualifies it as a story. You worked the three words of the prompt into the text seamlessly. Good job!Hello @readthisplease,

Thank you for posting the story in the Ink Well community.Have you read and commented on the work of at least two other writers this week? (See The Ink Well community rules on our home page.) This helps our community thrive, and also makes you eligible to be chosen for a spotlight in our weekly highlights magazine. Thank you!

Yes I have, thank you

Thank you for sharing your short story with us, @readthisplease. We enjoy seeing new writers join our community.

We have some great resources for new members joining our community, including tips and story ideas:

Thanks a lot. Happy to be here

Oh yes, it feels like a tough job in the beginning but once you stand on it and roll it by pushing through your other foot, everything falls in line. I am good at skating especially as we have well maiintained biking, walking, and scooter paths. A nice job here!

Thanks a lot champ. You have just successfully thought a rookie how to skate indirectly with your explanation. Thanks for stoping by

Haha, couldn't think anything else but this as a comment :) Keep gliding bro, sky is the limit :)

A very well-structured daily story, we can get into the experience of the character learning to handle the scotter, very well done.

Thanks a lot. Glad you liked it.

Learning new skill is always fun. Even though some skills are difficult to learn I still think the reward is worth the effort. Nice story btw.

Truly said. Thanks for stopping by.

You're welcome.

Stories are very promising when they tell something that happens for the first time! And if that becomes a child's memory, it's wonderful.
Thank you for coming to tell us this tender story, @readthisplease

Thanks a lot for appreciating my story and stopping by.

It's a nice and concise read! However, I gotta ask:

Is this fiction or an actual reminiscence of your childhood experience?

I really found it relatable because I also had a friend who lived in another street but would come by my neighbourhood every now and then to teach me how to ride a bike. Reading your story brings back that memory.

It’s kinda fiction and real. Same here, a friend taught me how to ride a bike, not a scooter, and it wasn’t in the midnight by the riverside. But those were the words given to use. It was evening though, close to a swampy area. So it was easy to add the scooter, river and midnight.

Oh yeah, I totally get you. Indeed, there's only a thin line between fiction and fact

Your story brought a smile to my face. It takes me back to the good old days when all i cared about was having fun and watching tv

Great use of the three word prompt

 4 years ago  

This is a gem of friendship in a short story --- and that's a REAL FRIEND that will go out at midnight to accommodate another! Well done!

A little hint: this is REALLY close to the line of fiction and nonfiction. The Ink Well generally judges fiction, so, keep that in mind. You could tell a non-fiction story equally well as a fiction, and this is GOOD, but bear in mind the need for fiction in this community.

Fiction is not acceptable in the community?

 4 years ago  

Fiction is the only thing acceptable in the community ... you are close to the line of non-fiction, though.

Thanks a lot for reading and enjoying it.