Fiction: Jein [ING/ESP]

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Jein is one of those girls who dreams of a better world for everyone and who does her bit to make it so, she is one of those who say that if you want something you should go for it.

She was lonely, when she decided to be alone she didn't know how to handle loneliness, she clung to reading as if it was her lifeline, she was always going on those adventures and stories that each book she read had and although she had no one to share her ideas and conclusions with, she never stopped reading.

She became a devourer of books and that is how she came to love solitude, the tranquility of being immersed in dialogue with the characters she read, she recreated stories imagining herself as the protagonist, she had never suspected the wonder of solitude.

The readings allowed her to develop a knowledge that goes beyond the letters. They taught her to know human attitudes, helped her to adapt to any environment surrounded by humans, not that she is an expert in people's behavior, but she would know how to cope with the attitudes of others; for her it was wonderful to know and often predict the behavior of others, to be able to discern the reality of each one.

One of the readings that most influenced her was The Little Prince, a novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a work that teaches us to give value to what we feel and think, how behaviors change the conceptions of love, how adults cut the wings to dreams, that aviator who wanted to discover his inner child who lost the north of his dreams because adults conditioned his life.

During this stage she also learned that her value as a woman, person and human being are incalculable, that each person in her environment may have a concept of her, but none defines her. She knows herself to be dreamy and credulous, sometimes innocent, sometimes crazy; but she learned to love each of these facets, there is no outside opinion that affects her or makes her uncomfortable, because she knows and knows her reality, the rest are unimportant opinions.

In addition, he learned how valuable life is when each situation is valued, because it comes to teach us to value what we have, which are tests to build faith and character, reading developed his capacity for understanding and that helps him to cope with each situation, knowing and recognizing that each one has its reason for being.

Jein, learned to fly without wings, reading is liberating, it feeds the soul, the spirit and the mind, for her there was no bad reading, convinced that from everything you get something good, everything is the perspective, expectations and perception of the reader.

The girl has never been the same since she entered the world of letters, loneliness ceased to be what she feared so much, because she thought it would be dark and empty and turned out to be bright and full of adventures, she also learned that sometimes humans cling to the toxic for fear of being alone, unaware of how wonderful it can be.




Jein es una chica de esas que sueñan con un mundo mejor para todos y que pone su granito de arena para que así sea, es de las que dicen que si deseas algo debes ir por ello.

Ella era solitaria, cuando decidió estar sola no sabía cómo manejar la soledad, se aferró a la lectura como si fuera su salvavidas, siempre andaba en esas aventuras e historias que tenía cada libro que leía y aunque no tenía con quién compartir sus ideas y conclusiones, nunca dejó de leer.

Se convirtió en una devoradora de libros y fue así que le tomó amor a la soledad, a la tranquilidad de estar metida en los diálogos con los personajes que leía, recreaba historias imaginándose de protagonista, nunca había sospechado lo maravilloso de la soledad.

Las lecturas le permitieron desarrollar un conocimiento que va más allá de las letras. Le enseñaron a conocer las actitudes humanas, le ayudaron a adaptarse a cualquier medio rodeado de humanos, no es que sea una experta en comportamiento de personas, pero sí sabría sobrellevar las actitudes ajenas; para ella era maravilloso saber y muchas veces predecir los comportamientos de los demás, poder discernir la realidad de cada uno.

Una de las lecturas que más influyó en ella fue el Principito, Novela de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry una obra que enseña a dar valor a lo que se siente y piensa, de cómo los comportamientos cambian las concepciones del amor, de cómo los adultos le cortan las alas a los sueños, ese aviador que quiso descubrir su niño interior que perdió el norte de sus sueños porque los adultos condicionaron su vida.

Durante esa etapa aprendió también que su valor como mujer, persona y ser humano son incalculables, que cada ser de su entorno puede tener un concepto de ella, pero que ninguno la define. Se conoce soñadora y crédula, a veces inocente, otras tantas, loca; pero aprendió a amar cada una de esas facetas no hay opinión ajena que la afecte o la incomode, pues conoce y sabe su realidad, lo demás son meras opiniones.

Además, aprendió cuán valiosa es la vida cuando se valora cada situación, porque viene a enseñarnos a valorar lo que se tiene, que son pruebas para templar nuestra fe y carácter, la lectura le desarrolló su capacidad de entendimiento y eso le ayuda a sobrellevar cada situación, sabiendo y reconociendo que cada una tiene su razón de ser.

Jein, aprendió a volar sin tener alas, la lectura es liberadora, alimenta el alma, el espíritu y la mente, para ella no había lectura mala, convencida que de todo se saca algo bueno, todo es la perspectiva, expectativas y percepción del lector.

la chica ya no volvió a ser la misma desde que entró al mundo de las letras, la soledad dejó de ser eso que tanto le temía, porque creía que sería oscura y vacía y resultó siendo luminosa y llena de aventuras, también aprendió que a veces los humanos se aferran a lo tóxico por miedo a estar solos, desconociendo lo maravilloso que pueda llegar a ser.

Cover image sources source 1 source 2 source 3 edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Yenny Aldazora

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Greetings, @rinconpoetico7 .
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@gracielaacevedo the Rincón Poético account is a shared account, Camilo Torres and Yenny Aldazora, who is my partner, handled the profile. You can visit my presentation there we introduce ourselves. Thank you for your attention.

This is The link

What an interesting character Jean is! I would like to know the causes of his loneliness.

I have to ask my partner, she is the author of Jein. Thank you for your comment and your reading.
Good afternoon.

I'm glad you liked the character, I'll tell Yenny to clear your doubts. Best regards

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Loneliness is a feeling we usually seek to avoid. But it is in solitude that we can look carefully and learn to value every detail and decision.

Jein has discovered how fantastic and important it is to take the time to be with herself which has allowed her to study others.

I really enjoyed your story, thank you for sharing, greetings and a big hug.

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