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RE: Some people write down their dreams in a book, I write mine down into music :) 🎡🎢

in The Ink Well β€’ 2 years ago

Oh, a dream about SpongeBob! Very interesting! This is what we SpongeBob fans dream about. πŸ˜„

When I was younger, I also had a dream that I often told my friends about. I dreamed of myself in a restaurant trying the famous Krabby Patty. Unfortunately, at the moment when I need to try it and SpongeBob serves it to me, the dream stops and I wake up.

It's strange that when the dreams are the most interesting, my alarm goes off. And yes, I should start writing them down, especially the unusually interesting ones. πŸ˜‚

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Hmm... Yeah, it would seem as so.

Aw, that sucks actually. I can't imagine having a dream teaser like that with a something as delectable as a Krabby Patty! Sounds like a nightmare to me honestly πŸ˜†

Hm... Maybe try setting your alarm to a much more convenient time? I get it tho... gotta get up early for work and such but still...