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RE: Please Come Home.

in The Ink Welllast month

You do a good job using conversation to drive the story forward, @amiegeoffrey. It was a good idea to introduce Jade into the story. This gives someone with whom our protagonist can discuss the conflict in the story. Something you might have done earlier in the piece is identify Dave, perhaps here:

It's been two days since Dave, my only son, left the house angrily, "I'll be back shortly," that was his last words as he left the room.

Readers are under the impression that the husband has left. This impression is reinforced when we learn that the protagonist's father had walked out. It seems history is repeating itself.

Sometimes it's useful to hold a juicy bit of information, to keep the reader on edge, but always writers need to keep in mind the goal of clarity.

This story has a good arc. The crisis is introduced early, and the resolution is satisfying.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @amiegeoffrey.


Okay, thank you for the feedback, I do appreciate your time here too.❤