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RE: Carlos' little story ~ The Ink Well Prompt #84

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

Your lovely story is told in the form of a letter to the reader. It's a nice storytelling technique! The theme of the story seems to be that life can begin anew, even after the most difficult tragedies. It is a poignant message.

Thank you for posting in The Ink Well. Please remember that we ask everyone who posts in our community to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published.

Also, please provide an image credit. If these are your own images, just please be sure to mention that somewhere in your post, either under the images or at the end. Thank you.


@theinkwell, the images are of my own authorship, I forgot to put that they are mine and are elaborated by paint, I apologize for that. I edit the post to place it and I start to vote and comment for the other members of the community.