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RE: You are not obligated to drown with them.

in The Ink Well ā€¢ last year

The extended side of my paternal home is not a home. The feud over there is unreal."

It's always the fathers sidešŸ¤¦.

I like the way you summarized everything. They say that you can force a horse to the stream but you can't force it to drink water. There are some people who just don't want to change irrespective of anything you do or say. You can try all you want but they don't budge. In such cases, it's better to save your energy for something else--something more lucrative.

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Seriously, I don't know what it is with our paternal homes and weird relationships. It's always from that side of the family that you will see family members who hold eachother in contempt.

Life is full of experiencs and mind has taught me that it's best to channel my energy into places where it will be appreciated. I can't keep up trying to save a relationship with someone who is already in an incorrigible path.

We just have to heed life's lessons and move on.


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