Is @joeyarnoldvn typical of Americans in the 21st century?

in ARTS4 years ago

I happened to see an American man in his 20s, @joeyarnoldvn. He was a former English teacher in Vietnam.
He lives in Seattle, the coldest province in the United States. Koreans usually know California, Texas, Washington DC, and New York, but Seattle is unfamiliar.

He seems to like to reveal his appearance and life to others. When I saw a picture of him with the Vietnamese, I smiled.
I don't know if my expression is a little unpleasant to him. Surely he wasn't like Leonardo de Caprio. Hahaha
I prefer men like DeCaprio to muscular Macho-Man.

I went to his blog, but I had a lot of slang and it was hard for me to understand.
For middle-aged Koreans like me, the English of Americans in their 20s seems to be difficult to understand.

He seems to be interested in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. Well, I don't know Vietnam very well. I would like to know what he had experience in Southeast Asia.
However, his English was difficult for me to understand. I'm not good at English, but he uses a lot of slang.

By the way, his English is difficult for me to understand, but his expression and his photos are very interesting.
I wish the gap between language and cultural barriers between us will disappear.

 4 years ago  

English is Complex:

Sorry about all of the slang. I started noticing how much slang I used when I moved to Vietnam. So, I wasn't really aware of how confusing English can be. You are asking some good questions.

Normal Americans

I've had conversations with my students many times concerning what is a normal American for example. Yes. Big cultural gaps. You asked if I was typical. Good question. People who know me could tell you perhaps. We can talk for a long time about that question. I want to say that I am because I like freedom and many people like freedom too.


But if you are asking how many people share their diary, their journal, their blog, their personal lives, with the world, I mean outside of what people do on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube? That is a big question. The answer is that maybe less than ten percent of people do things like me with an online blog. So, there are many people who do not do what I do. But I don't know exactly how many. Happy to meet you. Thanks for writing about me.

 4 years ago  

I am 35.

I see.