Rituals of the Mundane ~ Daily Prayers and Protections Spells

in Magick26 days ago (edited)

Weeks may pass without my setting new intentions or casting spells. But, magical protection is a big part of my prayer routine no matter the circumstances.

Mundane life is full of distraction. Very often I struggle to remain mentaly present in day to day situations when my mind is off wandering. Sometimes a protection spell is as simple as touching the ground, connecting with the place where I am, and asking for protection. Simply by getting into contact with my current location does lot to increase my ability to sense danger and avoid unnecessary risks.

Rituals to feel grounded & present don't have to be complicated, mine never are. A magical moment may include a nostalgic book, a handful of bound herbs, and an enchanted travel scarf.

These artifacts of my magical practice may not appear to be enchanted to anyone else but me. I embue them with good intetions and positive thoughts and carry them around wherever I go. I know that I am blessed and have spirits, ancestors and of nature, that watch over me. There is no way for me to repay them except by thanking them.

The main "danger" I sense is psychic.

Society is quite ill and has been for a long time. As a highly sensitive person I have always felt the encroaching negativity. People squashing my dreams and negating my visions for a enchanted future is, sadly, part of life.

My magic & prayers aren't just for me. I pray for a change in society and a future where natural landscapes are as valued as human-made buildings.

Protecting these visions and working toward their realization is my magical pratice and life work. So, what do the cards say?

Under the shade of an oak tree I took a break yesterday from my work on the land. My favorite cards spread out on a scarf I hovered over and conteplated my selection. I didn't really have a specific question in mind and simply pulled two cards in order to share a positive message in this Magickal diary.

the Sun and the Ace of Fire ~ two very fiery cards. They both, to me, represent beginings and a spark of initiative.

The Sun specifically seemed to be urging me out of the shade, from my spot of rest, and into the sunlit garden. Yes, my pale skin must hide from the direct sunshine from time to time. But, my human body, just like the plants in the garden need sunshine and all the life-giving energy he provides.

To the garden!

In the HerbCrafter's Tarot the Ace of Fire (aka Ace of Wands) is represented by the herb Mullein which is such a common herb it is even called a weed. The super soft leaves are opposite to the hard soil the plant tends to prefer. Here in our terraced garden mullein pops up even out of the most compacted and dry ground.

And as I write this I begin to understand the message...

Practicing magic and empowering psychic abilities isn't meant for the confines of my altar alone. It can be unpleasant and overwhelming to share with the world and work for our collective embetterment. Just as mullein grows in desolate spaces, witches & magicians like us have sprouted here and now for a very enchanted reason.


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I wish you every success and maximum effectiveness in all your beautiful magical practice dear @calendulacraft! As always your photos are full of life and a beautiful sense of so much soul and meaning. That you share items so precious to you amazes me, thank you for sharing and allowing others to know them 🦋 🌌

Your note fits me like a glove because I thought they were crazy things of mine, I've been since the beginning of the year feeling the atmosphere in constant tension or like “thick”, April was especially hard because of a strange tension in the air (I feel like I have to be alert because something is happening or going to happen) a lot of sickness, and almost every day I meet some person acting in a violent or irrational way and that has me very worried; I imagine that for a more sensitive and gifted person it must be much more overwhelming 🫂 🙏

Everything you do is valuable and meaningful and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you always enjoy perfect health and a lot of connection with all that accompanies and cares for you so lovingly 🐝 🪐