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RE: Rituals of the Mundane ~ Daily Prayers and Protections Spells

in Magick25 days ago

I wish you every success and maximum effectiveness in all your beautiful magical practice dear @calendulacraft! As always your photos are full of life and a beautiful sense of so much soul and meaning. That you share items so precious to you amazes me, thank you for sharing and allowing others to know them 🦋 🌌

Your note fits me like a glove because I thought they were crazy things of mine, I've been since the beginning of the year feeling the atmosphere in constant tension or like “thick”, April was especially hard because of a strange tension in the air (I feel like I have to be alert because something is happening or going to happen) a lot of sickness, and almost every day I meet some person acting in a violent or irrational way and that has me very worried; I imagine that for a more sensitive and gifted person it must be much more overwhelming 🫂 🙏

Everything you do is valuable and meaningful and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you always enjoy perfect health and a lot of connection with all that accompanies and cares for you so lovingly 🐝 🪐