 3 years ago  

Yeah cuz the system is soooo efficient so we can just do that
I mean luckily it is so efficient or else wed need to make New debt every day.
And be like slaves


I'm not sure how the military operates in all parts of the world, but I can give you a little insight into the United States military. First with a stat, that less than 1% of the population joins.

The rest you'll just have to take my word for as someone who served in the Marines for four years.

Most join because they are poverty stricken, and are generally good young men and women who do not want to go to war. They are hopeful to make it through an enlistment and get a GI bill to pay for college and be done with it. The psychopaths in the military are few and far between but can generally be seen above the ranks of E-5. (because they like it and stay enlisted, the rest get financially burdened with families and know nothing else to provide.)

The brainwashing mechanism used on the military incites an intense awareness of potential threats and makes it extremely difficult for many to function normally in society and must undergo all kinds of behavioral re-modification therapy once in society. (with low success rates)

Addiction, homeless, and suicide rates are through the roof with this less than 1%, with virtually no help from the government. Another aspect (minus the suicide but plenty of failed attempts) which I also experienced and saw with many other veterans.

Four trips to veterans rehabilitation centers, I met many men who are no longer with us today. Many of them opiate addicts because of medications the VA prescribed them, and then took them off of with no proper maintenance, so they turned to heroin.

Disability claims are null and void if not submitted within 1 year of discharge, negating a psychological phenomenon recognized by the government behavioral therapy institutions called repression, which occurs from trauma. I found this out after repressed memories came back years later and I filed a claim. (and was denied on that 1 year limitation.)

It's cool that they don't help out the veterans with much assistance though, because then they can keep the money available for all of the college benefits that the majority of them will never use due to the reasons listed above.

Check this video out to see how much the US cares about their veterans.

BTW, it's only my opinion, but I think we're all slaves in the pyramidal power structure we live in. The dollar bill even has a pyramid on it, and they don't ever talk about what that means during our indoctrination they call school.

 3 years ago (edited) 

thank you for your big reply

I hate that people are going through this.. but it is incentivised by and for the system.. it lives by misery

and therefore I still think the "solution" shown in the original post won't solve anything..

it's again just trying to make it look better/ fight against symptoms by intervention - some gain and some loose through it - we mostly loose

we need to fight against the root of the problems

which ofc also isnt that easy

especially nowadays we see it again..
I don't fear the few psychopaths having all the power.. but the dull masses following and giving that power to them..

which again shows very good the intervention spiral (intervention makes something worse -> following people ask for even bigger intervention -> makes it even more worse -> people ask even more desperately to finally intervene correctly and dont even realise how they give all responsibility and power to the state)

so the problem again kinda is the mass..
cuz if we got rid of the psychopaths at the top.. the masses would instantly crave for another leader..

Great reply my friend, thank you for taking the time to compose it.

I think we mostly agree, that the problem lies within the system itself and peoples blind compliance to it because of it being less difficult for them.

What is unfortunate is many just don't know.. as was the case with me when I joined trying to escape a broken abusive family home, and believed everything my commanding officers told me, as they believed what was told to them.

It's a major brainwash, and having to almost die on the streets was what it took for my awakening. I hope that the masses will wake up before we are all dying on the streets. It doesn't look very far off at this point.

It's always a pleasure exchanging our thoughts. :)

 3 years ago (edited) 

yeah exactly
I just wonder how to crack that nut open and so to speak end this death spiral

but we are so deep down, that maybe only the "awakening on the streets" mentioned by you is the last option?

we will see..

thank you, yes I like to exchange with living beings :)

amazing video


BOOM 👆 life threatening explosions included. Sign on the dotted line please...

we're all slaves in the pyramidal power structure we live in

We could give it to everybody given the right equity split.


That is a double edged sword.
If we were invaded by an exterior, malicious group, we need folks willing to fight for freedom.
That most of the current members are victims of the fakeducation system, and all are duped into protecting the criminal class currently ruling the country, is secondary to deterring china from sending its starving masses over on ships.

The bigger threat is the 40+% of the country with a gun.
The military will soon loose its volunteered dupes in a hot war against 'muricans.
This is why they dumb us down with the flashylight box and adulterants in our foods.
No need to ban webpages when nobody will look at them.
No need to rev up your own dupes when nobody in the target country is looking to resist anything at all.

if congress gets a premium health-care-plan, their soldiers should get at least as much

Or, we could go horizontal and all 'citizens' get equality.
Any system predicated on forcing compliance is not viable, to me.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Any system predicated on forcing compliance is not viable, to me.

does this look like a cogent, logical presentation to you ?


It is the game as currently set up.
Games have rules, or there is no game.
We have to play with the rules as we have them.
But, I do agree that something to be desired is currently off the table.

I think we aren't privy to all the data.

here's the crux

the soldiers and police should demand a better deal for their sacrifice

The soldiers and police need to be disbanded and local structures devised that suit the needs of those being served.
Everybody should be trained to be a soldier, and everybody should be on the job as a cop.
The current do as you are told by the rulers. or violence, is leaving much to be desired, imo.

As long as these people get to use violence on those people because reasons, a shitshow is guaranteed.

Acts of predatory violence need to be met with an equal force for good.
On individual basises.
No one size fits all, because that won't work at scale.

Cops currently have carte blanche to do as they please, no consequences, because nobody can be pulled away from dancing with the stars to do their own defending of their own freedom.
They hire thugs to carpet bomb people.
Not a recipe for utopia, iyam.

What we see in the pool is this principle brought forward to web 3.0.
It will take some time for the new rules to change the thinking of folks raised on the old rules.

Lol all of the theory is cool, but imagine if everyone had a card issued with unlimited spending limits and no payments.

Lol stores could mark their prices up to anything they want, the consumers would go retarded and call it the economy

Lol the line up of sheep for ridiculous services like nail salons that they can't afford Lol people buying 7 cars cause then can, a subscription to every internet provider, China is selling 10 gaming PCs a year per household internationally.

All the theory aside, I wonder where we would be when everyone realized they want space cars...
