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RE: 1,000.00 HIVE art/music/writing contest, "Cyber Pirates versus Werewolf Ninjas"

in LOGICZOMBIE4 years ago

Also, don't be afraid to inject a little humor.

I've always thought this would make a great framework for a story,

Jubei, a (WerewolfNinja) seasoned zealot is sent into the wastelands (neutral zone) to investigate a missing patrol.

Nagisa, a (CyberPirate) first-class vanguard is sent into the wastelands (neutral zone) to investigate a missing patrol.

One of them encounters a homeless beggar (HB) in front of an outpost.

(HB) "Well, you look like an impressive individual, can you spare a few scraps?"

"No, I'm on a mission"

(HB) "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help?"

"I'm looking for the scumbag (WN/CP) that ambushed our patrol."

(HB) "What are you gunna do when you find them?"

"I'm going to attenuate them with my dem-pre and decompose them with my incul-DGMA."

(HB) "incul-dgma?"

"Yes, my incul-DGMA."

(HB) "Incul-DGMA? What the heck does that do?"

"Let me demonstrate."

(HB) "(gulp), holy-crap."

You get the idea,

Here's the outline in 6 minutes,

Glossary: Dem-pre = Demanding Presence - Incul-DGMA = Inculcated Dogma.