📷 MyCityscapePhotography - 15.08.2022

in Ecency Bulgaria2 years ago

Here is a photo I want to share with you.


This is my entry for #MyCityscapePhotography initiated by @eii

The Rules of MyCityscapePhotography Challenge

  1. Use only your original photos!
  2. Use the tag #MyCityscapePhotography
  3. The title of your post must include MyCityscapePhotography

Recommendations (not mandatory)

  1. In your post you can invite your friends, to join the Challenge to increase its popularity.
  2. You can add descriptive text to the picture for better understanding.
  3. The photos can be edit with program, add effects, and so on. #aa

Everyone can participate in this Challenge!




There are anothers nice and fun Challenges from the series
you may be interested in:

MyDailyColor, MyNegativePhotography,
#MyAnimalPhotography, #MyInsectPhotography, #MyLandscapePhotography, #MyCityscapePhotography, #MyStructurePhotography, #MyMacroPhotography, #MyFlowerPhotography, #MyNaturePhotography, #MyObjectPhotography, #MyToyPhotography, #MyArtPhotography, #MySplashPhotography, #MyMonochromePhotography, #MyPanoramicPhotography, #MyPeoplePhotography, #MyFoodPhotography, #MyMobilePhotography, #MySportPhotography, #MyRandomPhotography,
#MyNaturalGarden, #MyNaturalProduct

In additional #MyStarVideo


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