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RE: Smokey ride and meeting new friends

in SkateHive4 years ago

Call it Nyooooooooom XD

I love your shoes. I need to go see if I can find myself some blue or purple shoes now XD (I need new ones anyway)

What's stopping you from buying a ranch and going riding now? Aside from having to buy more horses while the kids are still at home XD

Not in too much fire danger are you D:


I actually say Nyoooom sometimes when I ride past little kids, lol. The shoes are Under Armor brand. They arent the most comfortable shoes in the world, but they do look cool. The main thing that is keeping us from getting a ranch now is that we want to move out of Utah, but we are waiting for the kids to be done with all their schooling before we move again.

Oh yeh, probably shouldn't disrupt school life if they're enjoying it and doing well XD