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RE: What’s up dogs!! 💪😁😏 summoned with confusion

in Gods On Chain2 years ago (edited)

Gas was really bad for the game but the devs are really working on solutions. They came up with 2 layer solution immutableX and the $GODS token now. The push and increase of the player pool since December is huge and will even get bigger once they publish the mobile version.
I tried to rebuild the Bombfly deck but it doesn't work anymore. Maybe there is a way with the new cards from Divine Order and the new core cards. I added it in a Zombie deck since it's a nether card and works well with Corpse Explosion. Just fill your board with Zs and other nether cards, bring your opponent down to 15 or something like that and play Corpse Explosion when you are frenzied. 15 face damage when you have 5 cards on the board or more if there is a Bombfly and even 5 more damage when you have Skull Sceptor equipped.