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RE: Mortal Judgement first-look tier rankings War Part 6 of 7

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Single Combat is big for War: it gives you a way to attack ordered and backline creatures, but it isn't terrible even if there aren't any (e.g. go face then make trade). The optional buff is nice if you have mana to spare or if that makes for a really strong trade.

Also, it seems clear they are trying to make Enrage relevant again. I don't know if they've succeeded, but Commander Pyros + all these new creatures that benefit from taking ping damage could be decent. I ran into a mirror match where Villibesti and I were both playing enrage. Was fun. He played the neutral 4/7 twin strike that takes lots of damage. Great idea. The cards are there, and who knows what could happen after some balance passes?


I think people will certainly experiment and should experiment, but I am skeptical on long term Enrage war being a thing. I think out of all the domains war is getting the least this expansion (maybe Nature in a similar boat). I think Death, Deception, Light and Magic all received new spicy decks that could all be top tier lists.

I definitely agree that War has been left out in the cold.