Structure Tier List: How to Architect Diligently

in Gods On Chain2 years ago (edited)


I decided to make this post after playing with a Structure Magic deck for the past 3 weeks, and one of the most interesting parts of it were the choices you get from the Diligent Architect (DA), which lets you choose from 3 Structures and add it to your hand with +2 Health. Magic isn’t the only God that can use this, so I’ll be talking about it more generally, however the other two Structure-related cards ARE Magic only, which are Aggravated Architect (AA) and Modified Schematic.


Outside of Magic, most of the decks that would run Diligent Architect are Control types which are a bit slower but more value-oriented; thus most of the discussion and decision will be based with a Control deck mindset. This means we want value, defense in terms of healing or frontline, or removal. Let’s get started!

S Tier


Fortified Acropolis – This is one of my favorites to delve; compared to its smaller cousins (Ballista, Catapult, etc.) this one comes with ward, and its Ability damage increases with the more structures you have. Considering you have a Control deck, you might have some other ones. If not, this may drop a tier, but it still has a decent statline and ward. If you run out of threats, just go face!

Thaeriel's Anvil – This is a game ender a lot of the times; you basically get an army of Divine Chains if this gets left alone, which is easy due to the summoned frontlines plus backline and ward. Compared to other 9-mana creatures it may not have an immediate impact, but consider this vs Polyhymnia; if your opponent has a targeted ping and transform, the Anvil wins because you still have a summoned Divine Chains even if it’s removed/transformed. If it’s a random transform, it’ll be hard to land it due to the adds. Of course, if you played Architect on turn 3, having a 9-mana card in your hand will not help!

A Tier


Labyrinth Guard – One of the best defensive tools out of all the Structures, this one has high health and 1-armor to boot. If you’re running AA, you can ping it for free and deal 4-damage! The downside of course is that it can’t attack, although that’s not uncommon with Structures.

Watchtower of Agrodor – If Labyrinth Guard is the best defensive tool, then this is probably the best value generator. Not only is it not random as you get to choose between 3 options, it summons it on the spot! This is much better than putting a card in your hand. Not only that, but you can generate a random generator (Tainted Treant)! I heard you like value so we put some value in your value! This doesn’t have ward but has backline, though it has a decently high health.

Monolith of Storms – Used in many Magic decks this Structure can be used for large/sustained damage. But only if you have spells in your deck to support it. If you don’t, this will probably be in a lower tier. Order keeps it relatively safe against creatures at least for a couple of turns.

Arch of Amenmose – If value and healing is what you’re after, this is a good choice. You get 1/1 zombies with leech right away, then every turn as an ability. Another bonus is that any creatures of yours that dies will summon a zombie, which combined with its high health and backline, makes it quite sticky. The downside is that the zombies will give your opponents a bunch of favor when dealt with.

Guardian Simulacrum – One of the few Structures that can attack! Sometimes if your control deck is too defensive it’s nice to have something to go face. It has a decent statline and with armor, it can be a threat. The spell damage is a bonus, as is its ability to get more armor from other spell damage; if you’re playing as Magic this could be synergistic.

Gorgon Gargoyle – Another Structure that can attack! After its Order of course. With its low mana cost, it helps you stall in the mid game for a turn, which is a good thing in Control.

Parthene Proscenium – One of the stickier creatures with protected and ward, this one is great for healing. You can even use AA on it and then heal it back up. As Control you may not have that many creatures on board to use its second ability, but it can come in handy to make even your Sanctum creatures a threat!

Divine Chains – Good defensive Structure that can also attack! The Order on damage text doesn’t come into play much. Not too much to say about this one.

B Tier


Bronze Gate – The no-frills armored frontline, this does a decent defensive job. With the health bonus it becomes harder to remove and doesn’t die to just one Starshard Bolt or Canopy Barrage. Armor works well with AA.

Cursed Obelisks – This zombie graveyard is decent if you’re Magic as you can just ping to get the frenzy going. The zombies it summons provides some healing and board presence, but just like Arch of Amenmose, sometimes the zombies are a favor generating machine for your opponent.

All-Seeing Spire – This is a staple in a lot of Magic decks and for good reason: it’s draws you a bunch of cards and the Foresee is great too. Good pick for card advantage when you’re not in any danger, although be careful of milling yourself if you have too many high mana cards in your hand.

Wall of Lightning – Decent defender with good stats a spell boost bonus which is good if you're playing Magic; less so if otherwise, could be a tier below.

Grand Hall – This is situational especially after the nerf; if you have no other creatures that deal combat damage on board, this will be on a lower tier. But if you do, you get an attack boost and some healing too.

Runaway Trebuchet – Unlike other Structures which are generally slower because they don’t do anything the turn they get on board, this one has Blitz! Plus a random 2 damage to an enemy creature. By itself the card is not so great, but with the added health from DA this could make a 3-for-1 trade.

The Hollow – A decent value generator, although the cards generated are random. It keeps itself safe by providing Order and it also has backline and ward. The Guild creatures may be random but they have some synergy, especially if you’re playing as Deception. One downside of it is that it’s slow; it won’t generated anything for you until 2 turns after it’s played (again, unless you’re playing Deception and have other Order creatures).

C Tier


Inconspicuous Carriage – Not much to say here, but with the Core Refresh the stats are a little better, plus you can attack with it.

Ballista – Recently buffed with a better statline, this does not provide much impact and doesn’t defend itself that well with only backline. However, if it stays on board, it can provide sustained damage.

Catapult – Read Ballista above.

Snowstorm Spire – Very situational, but can save you if you’re against a War god with Slayer. The spell damage only helps if you have spells, and it doesn’t even grant you spell damage the turn it’s played.

Pillar of Lightning – Another situational one; if you have some frontlines then this can help provide some damage and control.

Grumpy Chest – It can attack but it’s weak; the upside is that it can draw you some cards. Using it with AA means that you’ll get a ping and a draw out of it.

Shrine of Sothek – Decent generator as you get a card at the end of your turn, but it’s random and easily removed with no defensive keywords.

D Tier


Rampart – Good for stalling, nothing else. It did get buffed to 1 attack so that’s better than nothing.

Barbed Portcullis – Sad version of Bronze Gate :(

Sentry Post – The little brother of Ballista and Catapult, 1 damage just isn’t enough to cut it.

Enchanted Chariot – This could be a higher tier if you’re playing a Structure deck, otherwise a subpar statline that can attack.

Miasmic Forge – This could be useful for decks that summon a lot of creatures, but most Control decks don’t. The self-damage is not worth it. Could be meme-y if you get this after playing Thaeriel's Anvil or Watchtower of Agrodor :p

Grand Vault – This is a decent defensive option, but it gives your opponent two cards which is pretty bad; as Control, you want to starve your opponent of resources. Currently it is only used for mill decks. Could be an option if you really need a frontline to save you from death or if your opponent is out of cards or has close to a full hand.

E Tier


Barricade – Power-creeped version of Rampart; why not pay double the mana for the same thing???

Ominous Burrow – IF you’re playing Nature and IF you still have a 5-mana Wild creature in your deck, then sure maybe…

Animated Armory – IF you have Olympians and Mystics in your deck, then sure maybe…

Desecrated Shrine – As Control most of the time you’re at lower health than your opponent; but there are sometimes where you just need that little more reach; this could be it, but most of the time, it’s just hurting you, literally.


I didn't consider running diligent architect in my guild deception deck since playing a 3m 2/2 is slow but after looking over all the structures I'll have to reconsider.

Yea it IS pretty slow but that's why it's mostly for Control decks. If you can fend off the pressure you can get a lot of value from it. Most of the time :p

Great tier list, I really like Thaeriel's if the other structures offered don't help me stabilize my position/it's a control match-up. 9-drops are always fun!

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