F2P Nature Rush for Weekend Ranked!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Untitled Design (1).png

Greetings everyone,

So last week I ended up winning only 12/25 of my games on weekend rank with zombie death. Not a very bad result for me but still not the result I wanted. Now over last couple of days I have not been following the meta and the game much, and was not able to play a lot due to some other occupations that I have, so this week I wanted to switch it up a little bit while also going to the rush, fast side of the game for maximum time efficiency.

Now first deck that came to mind was relic aggro war, where you could OTK your opponent at 5 mana. However, I lack a lot of core cards that I am not able to obtain therefore this deck was out of choice. Hidden Rush have been somewhat out of meta recently since the strength steel and control deception have taken over. So I am left with nature. Nature aggro decks have been doing well recently, and the good thing about nature is that since forever you can always find an effective f2p nature deck.

So in this post I will be showing you a f2p, nature rush deck that I will be using for this weekend rank. It was inspired by my friend who unfortunately still did not join hive for the moment, but let's see together how the deck works:

The deck


The deck is totally free to play, all cards are very cheap and are probably obtained before from packs, if not you can always buy them since they cost almost nothing.

The deck has a maximum card drop of 4 mana, it is very aggressive and rely very much on spamming the board since the beginning or holding your cards and filling the board in 1 turn in case you are playing against a hard removal deck. Now there are some key cards that have specific use to make this deck shine even more and make it even more versatile, and these cards should be used correctly to increase the chances of winning and these cards are:

Key Cards and their Use

Grove Summon


This is a card I never played before, and I think it is the most important card in this deck. The 3 random wild creatures you get might even give you a chance to survival and win against a control deck in case the game went a bit late. It might give you creatures that can turn the game around for you. There is no end to the choice it gives and you will probably find at least 1 of the 3 cards useful if not 2 or 3 as well!

Celestial Stag


This card is mainly important and added to this deck just because of it's ability. The best time to drop it would be when the opponent might not be able to easily remove it net turn and at the same time you can drop a creature in the same turn and get a card from it. You never know how useful it can be! The ability to generate random wild creatures makes it fit this deck a lot!

Feral Shapeshifter


The hidden on this creature simply makes it very useful and have different uses and purposes. Either remove annoying enemy creatures, get buffed because it will be tough for the enemy to remove it due to it's hidden and therefore have a 5/5 1 regen creature with wildfire which is huge. Also a good card to get face damage in case you needed a little bit more to finish things off. Overall very good card here.

Frisky Fox Pup


The ward on this creature is very nice early on and makes it have a bit more of a chance to survive a little bit. Now I am not saying it is a game turning card, but the fact that it might survive more to get to 4 mana and get buffed is very nice. If not buffed at 5 mana in the same turn as well.

What makes this deck good?

Now what makes this deck good is not only the good creatures it contains, and the nice ability you get from them. What makes it even better is the versatility in choices and options among those options we have the following:

Good Removal cards

A lot of times you might face annoying frontlines or creatures that you might need good removals to deal with them and not sacrifice any of your creatures. This deck have very good options for this with these cards:


These are amazing removal options present in this deck which makes it very good to establish and dominate the board.

Strength and HP buffing options

Usually nature cards lack strength but have good HP and regen at the same time, which makes strength a problem here. However, the presence of many strength buffing options makes it even better for either getting more face damage in or dominating the board even more by killing enemy creatures while yours regen. These buffing options are present in these cards:


Final Thoughts

Overall this deck seems very versatile, has good combos and is fast but also might do well if the game went on a little bit longer but most importantly to me it seems fun! The wide variety of options you might get and can do makes it even more exciting. Although I do hope I get good results with it which I am hoping it will, I also want to have fun at the same time and enjoy!

Now nature decks are very nowadays and this is only one another f2p version of it that you can always try and I hope you can get good results from it. Keep in mind that I still not tried this deck a lot only in a couple of games before WR and it was pretty good, so I hope you can also give it a try and hope it gets you the results you want!

That was it for this post, I wish everyone the best of luck in this weekend rank, let me know in the comments which deck or what god you will be playing/ are playing or even have played this week and let me know if you will try this deck out, hope you all liked it and also remarks or any suggestions are very much welcome! I always recompose the deck on gudecks as a final result to be able to get the deck code because I keep varying a lot in it, so this is the deck final code of the deck:


Take care everyone and I will see you on the next one; Mad Love, Peace out <3


Classical Nature, Spring 2022. I thought about trying it... The bad side is that everybody is getting ready to that Nature scenario. I've stopped playing Death because of that Nature and chose Deception for that reason - to win this Penumbra-Singsong-Staff-Root-Wildfire broccoli army :)

What do you think about Plan the Hunt? I enjoy playing Deception, again, but I feel tempted to try "hidden + heal" in one spell for 2 mana ... I haven't noticed somebody played it. I bought 2 cards because I think it might cost 20 times more as soon as people find the way of playing it.


Also ... People are in rush for fusing shinies and buying DO and getting MJ ... Meanwhile, Genesis and Trial have slightly retreated into the shadows.... For example, I've found that Ornery Goat costs only 0.0005 ETH these days - the creature is huge, I believe. I started collecting Nature as well (additionally to Death and Deception). So I bought a couple of these crazy goats ... If you don't have them, do your own research ... maybe you need them.

What about 2 Ornery Goats hidden by Plan the Hunt? .. 😃 Would be great to try...

Sorry for the late reply my laptop got broken again and I got busy with a lot of stuff recently so I have not been up to date much with the meta. The combo you suggested seems interesting but you got to keep in mind the overall picture of the deck like whaat's the end purpose what are you going to do after using those 2 cards. These might work very well against other aggro deck that relies on creature. However, you got to keep in mind the untargeted removal cards like shaped blast, crystal rain , rapture dance exct.. these can be quite annoying. But it would be interesting to try this for sure I also do not own any of these cards I might try them off weekend rank for sure and see how they perform!

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