My strategy going into this weekend event!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Untitled Design (3).png

Greetings everyone,

We all know that the upcoming 2 weekend events are very important because the pack rewards that will be given are Light's verdict packs, which means the more you get, the most chances you have to obtain as much Light's Verdict cards as possible.

And this is very important because this set will only be open for 2 weeks so it is a very good chance to get those cards that will be probably be rare throughout the game in the future, and it is an excellent opportunity to get them for free without having to buy packs!

So with that said, and having played tons of weekend event before, I was thinking about a certain strategy to apply to try and get maximum wins I can get, regarding my deck that I will be using, when will I play my games, and many other factors, and I decided to apply this strategy that I will be sharing with you in hopes you will also get the best results you might get!

My strategy

The first thing we have to keep in mind, that it is important to get the 30 wins this week, because you never know what you might get from that extra rare pack, so we must keep that in mind regarding how many games will we play a day and how often. Now I will be dividing this plan into day 1 and day 2 and 3 because each day will have different ideas in mind!

Day 1

Now in the beginning of my matches, I will be using my Control Magic deck that I posted about in my last post; check out this post for more details and explanation about it:

Now the mindset while playing will be like this:

1- First of all keep watching and keep in mind the matchups I will be facing: True, the meta is very variant and a lot of decks are being used, however, most of the times you will be seeing some type of decks present more than the other, and that is the thing you have to keep an eye for. Now after keeping this knowledge in mind, assessing the meta, comes the second part of the plan.

2- The second part has one two scenarios:

  • If in the beginning of my games I was having a win streak, which means the odds are by my side and the game gods are smiling upon me, I will keep going until I lose 2 games and then stop there for the next day because when you are in your form, and luck is by your side, you can snatch a lot of wins with the least losses possible until this streak is broken down.

  • Now the second scenario is if the games started with a losing streak, or a 50/50 ratio, this is where the tough mental part comes. Here you have to take a deep breath, and stop playing. I know this is tough for many of us players like me, but frustration and lose streaks will lose you your focus and you will be wasting many unnecessary matches and losing them which is costing you packs. If after playing your first 4 to 5 games it was going bad, stop for a couple of hours or preferably take a break till the next day.

Now keep in mind in both scenarios we have to be assessing the meta, focusing on what matchups were coming up more than other and here is where the next part of the plan comes in the next day.

Day 2 and 3

Now here is where the technical part comes in. Whether the first day was a winning streak, or a losing or average streak, the rest of the 18 matches will be played according to which matches you faced most during the first day. And for this purpose, I have prepared 2 additional decks for different matchups which can help you get the best results possible. Now of course you can use any deck of your own that works well against the certain decks you have faced most on day 1.

And I tried to make my decks compatible in a way that each one covers the weak point of the other and does well against counter matchups. But first of all let's talk about the Good and Bad matchups for the Control Magic deck:

Good Matchups:

  • Aggro and Mid Range Nature: Magic can be very annoying for Nature because of it's strong frontlines and fast ramping potential. All that is needed is to mulligan some good spells or good early game clearing creatures and you're good to go.
  • Aggro Deception: With the Control Deck I am using you have a lot of potentials to clear a lot of hidden creatures which make aggro deception a very winnable matchup unless you were very unlucky (luck is always part of the game of course).
  • Control Magic and Deception: Now both these matchups can be 50/50. What makes the difference here is in Magic it all depends on who get the good cards first (the ramping and big creatures) and in deception it depends on whether he cutthroats good cards or not.

Bad Matchups:

  • Heirloom Death: It is just almost impossible to win against this matchup with control magic. Too aggressive and can even kill you in infinite ways.
  • Big Relic and aggro War: The only time you might win against these matchups is if you get all the frontlines at the perfect timing alongside the ramping cards other than that he can easily finish you with his relics or god power.
  • Control Light: Control Light is insanely strong now especially against control decks and it is almost impossible to win unless they really messed up.
  • Clone Magic: It is just nearly impossible to win this matchups when he keeps filling out the board with 3/4 creatures at 4 mana!

Now let's check out the rest of the decks I have prepared:

Second Deck: Card Draw Magic

 "deck 2.png"

Now the second deck I have in my arsenal, will be the Card Draw deck. I will be using this deck in case I was facing a lot of aggro matchups and OTK matchups. Let's see the good and the bad matchups for this deck:

Good Matchups:

  • Heirloom Death: You can be very aggressive against them especially if you get Oni early on, keep hitting their face, get them as low as possible and finish them off with your spells!
  • Big Relic War: Same thing applies here, you get to control the tempo of the game and deliver insane face damage, keep getting them low then finish them off with your spells.
  • Aggro War: This matchup is pretty good too if you get some good spells and spell boosters early on. Using the spell boosting creature early on here is very good since War doesn't have a lot of spells to remove them and they can help clear board as well as deal tons of face damage!
  • Clone Magic: The only way for it to be a good matchup here though is to have Oni at turn 2 using the mana pip on board! Clone magic have literally nothing to clear before 5 mana, which gives you a huge window of opportunity to deliver insane face damage with the Oni and finish him off before he does.

Bad Matchups:

  • Aggro deception: This deck have little clearing potential of hidden creatures, which allows your opponent to control the game with their hidden as well as spells like umber arrow which makes this a very annoying matchup.
  • Aggro and Midrange nature: The regen on their creatures as well as the buffing spells can be very annoying. It is very possible to win this matchup if you got good spells and then good creatures, but it is more of a bad than a good matchup.

Good additions to the Deck

Here are a couple of cards that are really good to add for this deck in case you own them:

Iron-tooth Goblin


This card is the best relic removal at the moment and it is important to have for those sneaky relics, like Necroscepter, Moonlight Charm which is used quite often now or any relic in general especially those God weapons!

Pallas' Wand


This is one of the best additions you can make in case you own or can buy it! Pure card generating machine and can help you turn the tides of the games and win games you couldn't without it.

Now those are the two cards that I have on my radar at the moment and trying to save up to buy them! Definitely 2 awesome additions!

Third Deck: Control Deception

Now my last and third deck that I have prepared and practiced in Control Deception. I built my decks according to what cards I have but of course you can built different decks depending on your cards but following the same strategy that I mentioned above. Now this deck was inspired by MightyUncle but I had some cards missing of his deck so here is my version of it:

 "deck 3.png"

Now let us have a look at the good and bad matchups and how you should think while playing them:

Good Matchups:

  • Control Light: Now Control Deception is good against control matchups in general and specifically good against control light for the reason called: Cutthroat Insight. This card is an absolute game changer and you can steal key cards from his deck (depending on what he is using exactly) but in general it will be Inescapable Duty and maybe another important creature. On top of that you can use your Umber Arrows and Bound by her will to take his creatures and kill them so they can go in your void instead of his so he can't bring them back anymore!
  • Nature: Your strength steal and card stealing is very good against nature as well as the Rapture Dance in case things went out of hand. Just try not to let him have 2 insanely buffed creatures on board.

Now here are two situational good matchups:

  • Clone Magic: It is an automatic win in case you were able to get to cutthroat before him at 5 mana and stole his win condition.
  • Zombie Death: In case Counterfeit was added to your deck and you stole his relic with it.

Bad Matchups:

  • Aggro Deception: Very tough to deal with the hidden creatures, your opponent can easily finish you off so early.
  • Card draw Magic: It is not an impossible matchup to win, just the lack of spells makes it hard to deal with the Onis. The best thing you can do in this situation is use your Umber arrow and bound by her will alongside your strength steal cards very wisely to clear his board always.
  • Big Relic War: Almost no way to deal with his heavy 1 shotting relics. One of the toughest matchups for this deck!

Good additions to the Deck

Now there are also 2 cards in my mind that I think might be a good additions here in case you own them:



Definitely the best card in the game to deal with those annoying relics. I will probably add it in case I was matched up against a lot of relic using decks!

Orfeo, Champion of Deception


Always a good card to have to get rid of any annoying creature. A bit expensive but if you own it, it is definitely a good addition!

Ekrileth, Spawn of Pandroleth


I was confused as to whether it is still a good card after the latest nerf or not, but I think it still does well to this deck but unfortunately I sold mine! But definitely but it at the 6 mana spot if you do own it!

The remaining weekend event time

Now after finishing off your first 18 games, and hopefully getting as much wins as possible, now it's time to go all out to get the 30 wins! Of course, this can be done faster if you play a more aggro deck so that your games doesn't take much time, either lose fast or win fast. Now here you can choose whatever aggro deck that suits you and do your best to get that extra pack!


Now this will be my strategy going into this weekend event, I know this may not 100% work since the gam odds might not be on your side anyway, but it is somewhat of a strategical approach to try as much as possible to play the games in the most optimal way, time and situation.

In addition, the way I am dividing my matches might not be suitable for people who are very busy since they might have only a bit of time to play so they have to go all out on it, but I would suggest taking small breaks in case of losing streaks and sticking to 1 deck for all the 18 games. Losing streaks can be frustrating and a break can definitely help get your head back into the game.

That was it for this post, I hope it was helpful in any way! If you like it I would appreciate following and let me know in the comments what you think about this approach and other than that I wish everyone the best of luck for this week and see you all on the next one!

Mad Love, Peace out <3


Hmmm... I will try to win 30 matches today then. Good afternoon!

Make sure to divide them among all the 3 weekend event days don't exhaust yourself from the game! Losing focus can cost you games! Good luck my friend!

Thank you for the suggestion, I'll keep that in mind (^_^)

You're welcome and if you're new at the game and need any help or advice you can always hit me up on discord! And there is plenty of posts on this community to help you too!

Thank you, I'll check you up in discord then.


Got it, thanks.

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