"CUEK", Is It Necessary?

in Cent22 days ago (edited)

Source image : https://www.jurnas.com/artikel/29474/Cara-Menghilangkan-Sifat-Cuek-Anda/

In my post about a week ago I wrote the same word as the title of my post this time, namely the word "CUEK". The word "CUEK" comes from a regional language in our country which eventually became everyday language. The word "CUEK" has the meaning of a word or a synonym of apathy, lack of attention to the situation or not paying much attention to the surroundings.

If "CUEK" means apathy and a lack of caring attitude, is a CUEK attitude necessary in a person's life? My answer can be Yes and also No, it all depends on each individual. It could be that at one time we need to be indifferent and at other times an indifferent attitude is not needed at all.

Sourced from https://www.idntimes.com/life/inspiration/widi-apriliani/besarnya-miliki-sikap-cuek-c1c2, I share that a CUEK attitude is also important to face the hardships of life, including:

  1. Tend to be more open minded
    People who are "CUEK" seem more open minded in dealing with everything. He was more relaxed and seemed to say that not everyone has to behave the same way.

  2. Not easily stressed
    Indirectly, being "CUEK" also helps you not get stressed easily. Someone who is CUEK doesn't let everything into their mind which in the end will only add to the burden. Instead, it will filter out which ones really need to be thought about and which ones should be discarded. It is considered that he tends to be indifferent, in fact being indifferent can also help him manage his emotions so that he is not easily depressed and stressed, especially when it comes to other people's comments about him.

  3. Life becomes calmer
    Feeling CUEK makes a person less easily burdened by things, both mental and physical. So life will feel calmer and more enjoyable. People who have an indifferent attitude think that caring is important, but don't let caring prevent them from living in peace.

There are still several reasons why it is important to have a CUEK attitude and I will not write all of them in this post. Thank you, hopefully it's useful.