Elephant With Elephant Fighting, The Lander Dies in the Middle

in Cent2 months ago (edited)

Did you know about forest animals that are large and have trunks? This type of animal is not the king of the jungle even though its body is bigger than the lion which claims to be the king of the jungle. The lion as king is only self-recognition because there have never been any animals in the forest who chose or appointed a lion as king of the jungle. But let's forget about the Lion who is the illegal king of the jungle and let's go back to discussing the Elephants in the forest with all their behavior.

Source image : https://images.app.goo.gl/3T8xynFKgWU225W39

In this post, I will share about large elephants who sometimes like to throw tantrums because they feel like their bodies are big. So, in this post I say that elephants are state officials or people who have positions or positions in a government. Why did I choose the elephant as a parable? I chose the elephant animal based on a proverb in our country, Indonesia, whose proverb is: "Elephant and Elephant Fight, Pelanduk Dies in the Middle" which means: "People who have positions or positions in the country fight each other for positions but those who Dead are the people who don't know anything. Well, Pelanduk {an animal similar to a deer but smaller and without antlers) in this proverb is likened to a commoner.

This is the situation that is currently happening in the country we love, especially regarding the results of the presidential and vice presidential elections, where it has only been a few weeks since the people have cast their vote. One party claims to have won while the other party states that they will not accept defeat because their victory was obtained by cheating. As a result of the actions of elites or people in positions who question the results of the presidential and vice presidential elections, the people are divided. This situation is very detrimental to ordinary people who don't know anything.

So, therefore, let's be intelligent Landlords who are able to use common sense so that we don't die in the middle of the Elephant fight. As commoners, it is indeed difficult to avoid the bad effects of elite fighting, but at least we should not get caught up in fighting that will have worse impacts, both now and in the future.

Thank you to friends who have stopped by my post. I hope this post is useful not only as entertainment but to increase knowledge and information.


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