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!gif expert

Maybe you can consider yourself now as an "expert in conserving Resource Credits"! πŸ€”πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Have some !LUV! 😁

Well, nothing to write about that's why.


500 Hive Power has already too much Resource Credits to spend even if you post daily and comment 30 times per day. πŸ˜… However, if your Hive account is used for automated comments (such as tipping bots), that amount of HP is not enough. πŸ€“

Thanks for the !PIZZA! πŸ˜€ Have some !LUV in return! 😁

Yeah, that's why my next goal is 5k HP. I just don't know how long will it take for me to reach that goal.


Having at least 5,000 Hive Power will allow you to claim Account Creation Tokens (by burning Resource Credits instead of burning 3 HIVE and changes over time), which you can use to create new Hive accounts without asking another user to do so. πŸ€“

Thanks for the !CTP! πŸ˜€

I didn't know about that.