Present and future are bright for those informed.

in Cent28 days ago

You're going to call me crazy but, honestly, I miss the old days...
And it's not that I'm not happy about what Bitcoin is doing these days, which is spectacular, but that I don't see the same euphoric feeling that I have experienced since 2016 and that taking into account that we are on the verge of breaking the ATH again .
It just seems like people have gotten used to it, don't you think?
Bitcoin has not stopped doing what it knows how to do, exploiting and correcting, higher minimums and higher maximums, that is, in a permanent bull market throughout the decade or in the very long term...
What I see these days is that, no matter how much the Fear and Greed Index tells us otherwise, I don't see that the expectation is the same...and the thing is that, surely, there will be many people who think that they have arrived too late to buy BITCOIN...

Those of us who continue to buy BITCOIN in spot are the same as always and, of course, the new players and institutions involved with the ETFs of the same asset are the new buyers.

It is not the small savers who seem to show enthusiasm but rather the big fortunes who are beginning to show FOMO about it...

A shame for those who have been left out since, from now on, it will be the big fortunes who are most interested and not the small savers who, once again, will be out of the playing field...

On the other hand, I think that, in some way, the people who are left out have brought it on themselves, firstly because they are "sheep of the FIAT system" and secondly, because they have not even bothered to inform themselves or study about it to get a less biased opinion.

This makes me marvel at how lucky all of us have been.

The present and future are bright for those informed.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Being well informed in this day and age is a superpower. I'm not sure if we're still that early on crypto with the big players coming in but I believe there's still some time for small and educated players to get in and make a fortune.

Crypto won't be the same after the ETFs are approved. With all that leverage and big money involved, we can expect quite a bit of price manipulation.

At the time, those who had held bitcoins etherium were very happy because the prices. Things can change a lot after the ETF is approved