Peep This MoNsTeR FUNKO POP Collection!

in Toys on Hive2 years ago


Another day at Conquest Comics…another Funko Pop collection walks through our door. Feels like Deja Vu, but fortunately for me it’s real! A couple of days back, an old customer of ours from back in the day came to offload a chunk of her Funko Pop collection that she had put together throughout the years.

The Pops ranged from Horror to Marvel with a little bit of everything sprinkled in for good measure. I will say that she did a great job collecting because she chose some real gems. I was pumped when I saw just a few that were lying on the tops of the boxes. Ghostface…Kiss…Elvis…there were some grail type pieces here. I wanted it badly and I hadn’t even looked through it yet.


I told her to throw me a number and she shot out $1200 immediately. I was counting up over $1200 in just the several pieces that were visible from the boxes. I was super busy at the shop and didn’t have a lot of spare time to get into Monty Hall mode, so I countered with $1000 which she accepted immediately. Best part, is that she said this was only about a third of the collection. That she just needed more time to go through the rest. Score!!!




Ok…so after counting, there were 118 pieces of which we needed 105 of. This score breaks down to $8.47 a piece. Higher than I’d normally pay on Pop collections…but this is no ordinary collection. For this pile of deliciousness contains a metric fuck ton of grail pieces for our cases. We separate anything $75 and above to pop in the cases. That’s where these mofo’s are headed.


Lots of tastiness here. Those Elvis ones are $300 plus…lots of $125 plus pieces. Just a massive score. Funny part is one of the Kiss Pops had an old sticker of ours from when she initially purchased it. We haven’t sold Pops for $9.95 for close to 10 years. Nutty…


Ultimately, this collection will end up making us thousands. I’ll never understand why people don’t opt for selling online. Especially when you have a monster collection!!! Sure it’s more work, and I can see the argument against it when the collection does not hold much value…but when you are sitting on a collection like this and you opt to bulk it…yikes!

Oh, one more thing. This was also included.


I haven’t even counted how many pieces are here, but there’s gotta be close to 200. I’ll count and update soon. We have a small loose Pop section, but now shit just got real. I see heavy hitters like Red Skull in here so I’m excited at pricing these up soon. Stay tuned!!!

Thanks for Popping by!



People spend a lot of money building these collections and let them go for a lot less than they are worth. I know you have to cover overheads, but you can still make a nice profit, so it's great for you.

I sort of wish I had the Animaniacs Pops. I loved that show and I was way past being a kid by then.

Always a great show. Funny part is we sold the set of 3 a few days back. Those always go quickly when we get em back in.

As for those unloading collections…I always find it strange when folks who actually collect stuff for years end up offloading in bulk for cheap. I get when someone inherits, or somehow acquires a collection. There’s no attachment or connection to time or money. It makes sense to me. But when collectors who put so much effort, time, money, and energy into building something up…just to bulk it out for Pennie’s on the dollar. Even after all this time I still have a hard time comprehending it.

Yeah, it's strange, but good for your business.

How many kids would get this?

Lol. Not many I suppose. My kids know of nothing that came before them. No interest at all which is sad and blows my mind.

How many of these have you devalued by having sex with them? Because I'm only interested in those. For obvious reasons.

Thirteen and a half. The Estelle Getty Pop was broken at the time…

Wow, that's a lot. I wish I could also collect them.

Do you have any yet in your collection?

Man, that's a really solid buy for you guys. There's a couple pieces in there I've contemplated trying to grab for my collection. I'm sure most of those will sell fucking easyyy.

Yeah we sold a metric fuck ton already. I can’t wait for her to bring in the rest of her collection.

I hope that you have interns just for pricing and listing stock.

That's a lot of grunt work but well worth it for the profits.

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My guy @jgiambi and I bang it out rather quickly. He pulls what’s needed for the floor…I price em up…he pops em away on the shelves or case. Fairly efficient. I also just got a call from my business partner that a dude just came in and dropped 2300 bucks on some of the pieces in this batch. Noice!