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RE: AAAA - Ask Acid Almost Anything 2

in Ask the Hivelast year

I think it was through a reddit post that someone shared, it was kind of love at first sight but also a bit of a funny story there. I was at a friends when I stumbled upon it and created an account, back then they used "normal passwords" so I quickly created an account and used a somewhat random password I could think of but not too different from the usuals. A few days later I'm at home and I can't remember what the password was to save my life, 2 weeks go by, I'm back at my friends place and on her keyboard I suddenly managed to remember my password lol. Ever since that day I've been active pretty much daily.

Mew is doing fine, I should post some pics soon, thanks for asking/reminder. :D


Sometimes it just takes a sight, smell, or something else equally small to trigger a memory :) ... Being issued keys would have prevented the hassle though, since you would have had to save them 😂

I'm glad Mew is doing well :)