What was the first movie you saw at the cinema?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago


Going to the cinema was surely a normal activity until the current pandemic began. But how many of you are capable of remembering the first time you went to the cinema?

The first time I went to the cinema that I can remember was to watch the first movie of Lord of the Rings. It was a super impactful film and even to this day I still remember that experience. The orcs were very scary for me at that time and I was shocked when seeing how Boromir died defending Frodo.

Since going to the cinema for the first time is usually a very rewarding and unforgettable experience, what was the first movie you saw at the cinema?


The first movie I can remember going to was E.T.

The first movie i remember seeing in a theatre is Star Wars in its original airing.

But then, i sorta remember seeing Snow White in a theater, but that may be false and confused memory with a documentary.

Jason and the Eye of the Tiger. I thought it was amazing and then months later we were taking to see Star Wars. Jaw dropping for a 7 year old at that time. My whole world was star wars after that for a while

The first movie I watched in theatres was the Lion King Movie :) !


Lion King Source

Lal Baadshah of Amitabh Bachan when I was 10 years old.