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RE: First night in new place: how many times have you moved in your life?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

Now I live in the same house, where I grew up from my childhood. I had left it for some periods of my live. From ninetreen to twenty-two I was I was living at school dormitory, but I arrived almost every weekend back. At 22 I was for a few months in US for a temporary job. At 25 I moved again, when I started to live with my wife. For more than one year I worked in Belgium, and there I rotated at several places as my employer needed. And a few years ago I moved back to the parents house.


No teda, vidím, že taky zrovna neposedíš na jednom místě :) Díky za příspěvek k tématu a že sis dal i tu práci s angličtinou, to ani nebylo třeba ;)