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RE: What are Snipped Posts / Trails ? Will that be ruining chances of big upvotes ?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

There is definitely some weird dynamics going on.

I haven’t had a post reach $20 for months, and yet I can find countless posts everyday with a pic or two and a hundred words that are $40 and above.

I used to put heart and soul into my posts, spending usually a full 8 hours, but the extra effort just isn’t rewarded. I stopped putting in the extra time and effort in a few posts, and the payouts were the same.

I think it’s much more important to have a high rep and connections to get big upvotes than to actually make awesome content. Either way I soldier on, dreaming of the day we see a $20 post again.

Sort: u actually started getting a feel of the platform.👍 However there might be many scenario of low rewards the falling hive prices is one other than what I posted...or thirdly what you pinpointed....shit posts are getting more love and hard work are just the drain

"I haven’t had a post reach $20 for months, and yet I can find countless posts everyday with a pic or two and a hundred words that are $40 and above."

I even know a guy who simply copy pastes his text from one post to the next for the past 3 years and changes the photo. He consistently gets over $15 per post and never was flagged because of it.

Meanwhile, I've seen users with more original content being flagged and included in overall blacklists because "poor content to farm rewards."

Go figure... 🙄

"I think it’s much more important to have a high rep and connections to get big upvotes than to actually make awesome content."

Sad but true... 😶

There are so many stories the big voters are on appreciating that doesnt have snipping trails on many would be enjoying doesn't matter if they are quality creator or shit creator