
you could probably get a hill of bananas for 100.000$

Man. That decimal in the middle confuses the hell outta me every time. LOL!

How much for a mountain?

not sure what are the rules for that. here we always wrote it 100.000,00$ so that is 100K. and i am not sure about the rules :D

i am not in the bananas business but i am sure you could get like 500 Tons for that money. now is 500 tons of bananas a mountain? probably not

In Canada it would be $100000.00 We used to use a comma like this $100,000.00 and sometimes still do. So basically one of us is backwards but we don't know who.

Man... The things I could do with 500 tons of bananas.

Living the dream!

I'm good with either of those, but $100.000, that's a hundred dollars in my book.

That confusion would most certainly hold up a few lines at the bank.

And at this point you hold the place up, with a banana, obvs.

In 2 weeks, that's going to be one big hill of mush - milkshakes all round.

Three years... do you like flies?

The whole plan was to start a fly farm, catch the flies, sell the meat to McDonald's. It was a loophole in your plan. A way to make money during the waiting period. Smart.