Ask the Hive: are you introvert or extrovert?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Welcome to my ATH (Ask the Hive) weekly series that I created to increase the engagement level on Hive (or at least among my followers).

In the last round, we had an interesting debate about what newbies I should support that eventually generated 15 comments - thanks for your contribution guys! I hope we will have a lot of engagement in this round too :)

The question for this round is: are you introvert or extrovert?


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Now before we get to discussing this question, let me actually correct it a bit. In fact, introversion and extroversion are not two separate categories but rather a sort of a psychological spectrum or scale and we all fit somewhere within it. In other words, almost nobody is a 100% introvert or a 100% extrovert. Most of us are actually so called ambiverts - individuals who fall somewhere between the two extremes.

I have recently had a few debates about this topic here with some of my Hivean fellows (that actually also inspired me to come up with this question for this round of my ATH series so thank you guys) and most of them have characterized themselves as introverts. I definitely consider myself more of an introvert too. I don´t mind being alone at all (preferably somewhere in nature) and crowded places usually make me uneasy and/or upset.

On the other hand, I really enjoy spending time with my good friends and I can even give the impression of being highly extroverted at some social events (usually when alcohol is involved :D). Surprisingly (even for me), I can also handle large crowds of people on some occasions (for example when supporting my hometown football club during a game).

Generally speaking, however, it feels like being surrounded by people drains my energy while being alone recharges it. Therefore, I would probably rate myself as 75% introvert and 25% extrovert.

How about you guys? Do you feel more like an introverted or extroverted person? Let me know in the comment section below, I am looking forward to checking out what you will have to say about this topic.

As usually, I will try to upvote all relevant comments.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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According to my MBTI results, I'm 52% introvert. This means I can be really loud and a center of attention when I'm with the right people. But I can't sustain it for a long time. I need an "alone time" to recharge. Being in a public place also makes me very uneasy. Most of my friends categorized themselves as introverts. We can enjoy each others' company even without talking, but there are times when we became loud and outgoing.

This pretty much sums me up as well, all about the people you're with but I also need time to recharge, which can take longer depending on the energy used!

I agree! There are times when I really wanted to be alone and I don't want to be bothered. I always dreamed of going to places where no one would be able to recognize me. I wanted to do solo travel, but I'm really afraid of talking to strangers. Whenever we travel with my friends, I don't do the negotiation part. I just observe. Even if I'm borderline extrovert, I enjoy most of my time alone.

Haha, sounds like you've described my personality as well! Literally exactly the same, word for word 😃 I went travelling last year with people and one my own, I did prefer being on my own but also found it difficult to interact sometimes and moving from hostel to hostel was energy consuming, meeting new people and couldn't get some proper downtime... Oh to be a 52%er 😆

Haha I can imagine that struggle but I know someone who can literally give lessons on this hostel socializing skills, Dan aka @world-travel-pro has been doing this for some 17 years. He is a pro indeed :D

Wow! 17 years is an epicly long time! I take my travel hat off to him!

Exactly! :)

Well what you have just described here can pretty much apply to me too but I haven´t taken any official tests so maybe when I do, I will find out that I am actually more extroverted than I thought :) As I mentioned above, my guess right now would be just some 25% extrovert. Anyway, thanks for your valuable feedback!

I think you're way more extroverted than you thought. I initially thought I'm 90% introvert because I am really socially awkward and I have a stage fright especially when a lot of people are looking at me. I hate recitations and group tasks. I prefer to work and study alone than be with my friends in a cafe. It turned out I'm almost 50/50. So I think you're way more extroverted than me.

That´s interesting. I have a stage fright too (it was actually better during my studies when we had to present stuff in front of the whole class very often and I kind of got used to it but I would really struggle now :D) I think I will take some test to find out :)

I'm excited to see your results! Although I'm not sure about the MBTI test. They say there are a lot of better tests out there, but I haven't explored them yet.

I would like to consider myself an ambivert but reality is I'm more of an introvert. I don't associate with what most of my fellow Canadian values out of social settings and find it very shallow along with wasting the mind on useless or uneducated topics and excessively judgmental and clicky based on the superficial so I prefer to abstain from most interactions because I don't want to judge and feel like I was born in the wrong century. With the right people and the right setting, I can be more on the extroverted side. I can flip it on and off at will, I can be very charming in whoa the crowd if I want to, I just chose not to bother if it's not my type of crowd.

Well, just the fact that you are one of very few people that I sometimes have to google unknown words when having convos with makes me really believe you are not a fan of shallow debates and small talks, unlike most extroverts :) I can also relate to that estrangement feeling towards the majority society but in my case, it´s probably mostly because of my unconventional lifestyle rather than introversion...

Thanks for your interesting contribution to the debate. Always a pleasure to have you stopping by :)

I prefer to be introvert but I'm working in crowded work place. So I have to meet them directly. So I like to say that, I'm 60% of introvert and 40% extrovert.

I think having to work in a crowded open space office is every introvert´s nightmare. I have such experience too but that was many years ago and I am not sure if I coud handle it now. Probably not :D

I think I'm also 75% introvert and 25% extrovert. I rather be alone but I also like some good time with my friends. It shocks people when they see me in company of friends because its a different persona from what they normally see.

Haha I know what you mean :) It really is a big difference for us introverts to be surrounded by crowd of complete strangers or a bunch of good old friends ;) Thanks for your contribution to the debate.

i would call myself an introvert, probably not a heavy one. few people i am fine, maybe even people that i don't know that well, but 5, 6+ people and it is to much, and i will most of the time just observe. i think that my love of photography came from that, as i am there, but i am not really there. also with years i started to really feel the recovery time ( in the sense of "ok, yesterday was to much people, today i will not see anyone)

Haha I know exactly what you mean with the recovery time :) There even is a specific term for that - social (or introvert) hangover :D I suffer from it after every big party. A few hours of alone time in the forest is my favorite cure ;)

Well I like to say introvert but I always open my mouth to soon so I am an extra but I always put my money where my mouth is to be fair.

Haha that´s good :) I value people who really mean what they say, no matter if they talk much or little :)

Well let me tell you that i brought me into trouble a few times aswell

I can imagine :)

Something in between. Probably lean towards extroversion.

Cool, thanks for joining this round :)

I have always considered that question very banal, we cannot qualify or label a human being, with a single word. you imagine how complex we are.

That´s exactly what I was talking about in the post after quoting the question...

Založením jsem "Intro" :-). Zajímavé je, že se celý dosavadní život pohybuji v "davu". Snad mne to má naučit umět si s davem poradit :-)

U tebe jsem s "intrem" počítal :) Vím, jak rád trávíš čas sám v přírodě a taky si pamatuju tvou (ne)návštěvu toho steemařského srazu tenkrát v Praze :D Teda já tam nebyl, ale vím, jak jsi to popisoval ;)

Máš dobrou paměť :-)

I dont know what % but I'm an introvert. I dont speak much. Specially when I meet new people and elders. Before i speak, i keep thinking ahoul I? I would just listen and want to get away from the conversation. But with my friends whom I'm comfortable, I dont have a limit.

I am more Introverred then extroverted. It depends on the people who I'm talking with and if I have something like this asked/done before.

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