Do you love talking about your Success?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

There are types of people, who love to talk about their success and who doesn't. Also, some loves consider themselves successful and some never think they are successful. Our way of seeing success and the meaning of success is very different, maybe that's why we deal with it differently.


Asking this question to you, it made obligatory to my mind to answer this question also. I don't like to create 'shadow' around me.

Well, I see success as a journey. The more I'm walking towards it, the more the path is making itself longer. I never get bored, I'm enjoying the journey actually. And maybe that's why I never consider myself one. That's why I don't usually talk about it.

But that's me. It doesn't have to be you. If nobody talks about their success, how pathetic the world would be! I always believe talking about success is necessary. But what matters most is, believing in our own success.

I'm not here to judge and to be honest I always try to keep aside my judgemental mentality. But I would really love to what do you do? Do you love talking about success, do you love showing other's the path, or do you just simply love to show others how successful you are?

Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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Nice thoughts👍

Success speaks up own. Better not to be so open mouth,just let the success to tell the story byself...

That's pretty correct. I was curious 'why there are so many motivational speakers even in this blockchain talking about their 'success'.
I think it's good to talk about 'what made you reach things'.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Do u even listen to them...I believe they just orator of a

I never. But they don't stop popping up here and there. lol