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RE: WWII Gas Mask ~ Once Belonged to my Grandpa... A Marine in WWII

in The Man Cave4 years ago

Honestly, there is no way this thing was kept in the shed all these year! But that leads to another question... “How did it get there?...”. I am going to go out on a limb and say, My Grandma knows all about my DIY capabilities... maybe she planted it there before she passed knowing dang well I would be snooping around in there looking for tools...

I am waiting to see about an old metal tool box that was also in the shed. It’s pretty cool too, but not like this.


Just pretend I tipped this response like $40.

I got a story about the the tools when my grandfather left, too, @jlsplatts. As soon as I make it back to California and grab my things, I'll show you a ruler I got when he died. My grandmother was like "take whatever you want." But I didn't. I said "I'll just take whatever everyone else doesn't want." Splatts, all I got was a ruler.. bro, it's mahogany wood, 6", flat, unfolds into 12", only 1/8" thick (if you can picture that). And it has a brass tri-square, bout 4" long by 1/4" wide, micrometer thin (brass) attached in the middle that you can remove! It's the dopest ass tool I've ever seen! Fits in your front pocket like a lighter kinda. You'll be the first to see it when I get it back. 👍🏿

Thing's gotta be pushing 80-100 years old by now. Pristine. Not a scratch on it.

Okay can you draw me a picture... with crayons please. Only using primary colors. I think I know... but I don’t know... yet I may know... therefore I don’t know...

How do you do that without weed??

Hashtag closet stoner.

Perma-stoned... I guess 🤔🤔