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RE: Alric Stormbringer (The Magician) - Splinterlands Art.

in Sketchbook4 years ago

Like I said... I also curate for tipu and yeah of course it helps the author.
And actually... I've checked on it from my own experience and even got idea from some more authors about it and then I came to this conclusion that a post should have a lower value for at least 30-40 minutes when whales curates actually.
If they find that post with good value then whales who think about curation rewards don't curate that post.
Actually, a whale bot owner also told us about that.

There are some good authors who even asked to be in tipu blacklist as they've cracked it.

So I think every tipu curator should consider upvoting a quality content which passed a moment of around 30-40 minutes (at least).

I'll be happy to get your curation or any others curation on my posts but that should be after a time so that whales can take their chance.

I hope you understand.