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RE: Golden flower - Art Nouveau

in Sketchbook2 years ago

**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **
That piiece is so beautiful!!!!!!!!! heck- I want to draw like that ;;n;; I can't even call that simple with the amount of detailing in the hair and on the flower in her hair. Looks so elegant too ;;n;; this could work as someone's display picture


@bananzell Hello, thank you very much. I'll tell you that if you try you can draw much better than me, it's just a matter of practice and pay attention to your reference (if you use it), if at any time you want to ask me something you can do it by contacting me on instagram, I would be happy to help you in whatever you need :D

I've been practicing a lot again though half the time I don't reference so I get stuck. I was planning on doing portrait studies again for a while to get my hand used to drawing on phone while I save up for a new stylus for my tablet. I appreciate the offer for help so much! I'll ask if ever I have questions 😊 thank youuu!