Yes lol, I also do male drawings

in Sketchbook4 years ago


Hey Hivians, how are you all ? I was going through my posts on Hive and I realized I haven’t posted a male drawing here before, I’m sure some of you might have been wondering that also, well that changes now as I bring to you a drawing of famous Tv host and presenter which goes by the name Ebuka.
It took four (4) days to actually complete this drawing but I’m glad because it came out pretty well, time and effort well spent.

Below are some drawing steps





Thanks for viewing!


And amazing ones too, I like the expression of the face in this one, you managed to draw it with astonishing naturality.

Hi. Your artworks are just amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

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So lovely,I just knew it was Ebuka even without reading through,you did a great job