
Yep, I can clearly see the comparisons and hope that Acid does not hold copyright on his effort, else he can sue you!
But in your defense you can claim that you have changed the hairstyle a little bit lol.

Well, I know our two drawings are almost identical in nature however I feel I know Acid well enough that he would see my drawing as an homage to his own...An almost exact, but subtly different, rendition of his own masterpiece that I have created merely to underline the sheer brilliance of his work of art.

I'm almost positive he would not begin legal proceedings and in the advent he does litigate I have already engaged the services of a good lawyer...

He begged me...

My defence...

Wow, you really are talking in picturesque language today!

If I was Acid, I would compliment you for your masterpiece. In fact I might frame it for future inspiration and hang it on a wall near my bed to inspire me when I awake every day.
litigation would be the last thing on my mind lol.

Cya in court

Oh no...I better call Tom Cruise.

Lol... great inspiration you received right there

What can I say @bhoa, sometimes a man has to throw caution to the wind and unleash his drawing prowess upon the world...As painful as that may be for the world. :)

Clearly my work is a little quality challenged in comparison to Acid's, but they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder...Who knows, there may be someone out there who likes my masterpiece.


but they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder

You know right... beauty is such a relative and subjective concept. I mean who knows??

sometimes a man has to throw caution to the wind and unleash his drawing prowess

I must say your drawing prowess is one to reckon with. Do not mind what the world has to say. It's you against the world..
Hope you are enjoying your weekend?

your drawing prowess is one to reckon with

I'm like a cross between Picasso, Michelangelo and Vincent Van Gogh...Just call me G-dogo

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Haha, not that bad. I can see a figure here🤗

Not that bad? Well, I'll take that accolade...Although not that bad still means bad. 😂