Two African Wildlife Artworks from Urban Decay

in Sketchbook2 months ago

African Safari

Homage to a continent I have never set foot upon. And I suspect I never will.

These two artworks were created from photographs of urban decay with the help of Photoshop.

A magnificent place of so many different places. Rich human history melted together with glorious wildlife of a size and plentitude that touches all our pasts. Such natural splendour has a very strong pull but...

I also have a feeling that I don't want to disturb it. I do not need to see it and if my seeing reduces its chances to flourish then I can go without. The images of a cheetah on a kill surrounded by dozens of trucks carrying tourists come to mind and that is not something I want to be part of. I'm sure nobody really does, and perhaps nobody realises it will be quite like that. Maybe it isn't always. But sometimes it clearly is and according to research it works against the cheetah despite the animal's apparent ability to ignore what's going on around it.

But the story is complicated, of course. Without tourism what becomes of it all? A myriad of pressures chewing away. I can only react in the way that feels right for me, which guides me let it be and optimistically hope that good decisions will be made to care for all our wildness. This basically means that I satisfy my urges for wildlife sightings with our local offerings. The fascinating detail of what I find goes a long way to compensating for being less spectacular than the plains of Africa. And I still dream and there is still always a pull... When I was very young instead of a story I always asked my mother to read me a two-page spread from a book called Animal Life in Africa with its illuminating facts and wonderful illustrations. Hooked from a very young age.

Can you spot the elephant in the artwork above?

Weathered Old Africa

This second one is an older picture along the same lines and includes different sides of the human influence. With both of these images the weathered textures add so much in this story of continental age. These textures come from photographs of urban decay that were taken nowhere near Africa but the patterns of weathering are universal.

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WOW that is an awesome design! It is so incredibly detailed and unique.

I love all of the little characters that are in there, each one representing a small part of a larger overarching, complex story that has many layers to it, just like the decay of the original images.

And yes, as much as I would LOVE to go on a safari tour, I would not, but each pro and con have their owns individual pros and cons to them too.

What I would prefer to do instead though, is to volunteer at the IAPF- now Akashinga in Africa, probably Zimbabwe near Victoria Falls one day,,, and be there on the ground to see it in the wold, but doing some good while your there you know.

Anyway, thanks for reminding me that this has been one of the things in my bucket list for a while now - years infact and one day- in the next year or 2, I should be able to do it- finally.

And brilliant work on the art too!

infact you should mint that (or another new and completely unique version- a series even....) and make some NFT's out of it.

I reckon people would buy it, plus it's a trillion times better than some of the NFT's I've seen...I would buy it!

There's actually a lot of things that you could do with those designs.

That looks like an interesting project. If you have the chance to do it, don’t wait! Volunteering is what brought me to Thailand originally. Best decision I ever made.

I did try minting some nfts of my stuff on Opensea a while back but got no interest. Either me or the art didn’t really fit the cryptoart world but I might try again…

Many thanks for your comments!

Yes, it is an amazing project and funnily enough, I volunteer in Thailand too- WFTT ner Cha Am and Soi Dogs in Phuket.

I was due to go there in Feb/March but my dad died the day before I was meant to fly that will have to wait until next year I'm afraid.....

Where are you in Thailand?

This is what I am trying to do (still...)

I'm actually supried that your art didn't get much interest as I think it HEAPS better than whats out there now.

Also that was a few years ago when not so many people knew or cared about NFT's so you might have a better chance now.

Infact did you know that there a global NFTopia on for the next 3 days online?

You should check it out, you might get something out of it to help you now...

I will (hopefully) see you in there at some stage!

Thanks for all that. Good work on the animal welfare volunteering!

We actually live just outside the town of Petchaburi which is a short ride north of Cha'am.

I have no immediate plans to try NFTs again but will probably look again later sometime…

Oh wow, so close to WFTT! I loved Cha Am, but I think I loved Hua hin more...🤣

I was just talking about a dentist I once visited in Cha Mm with a friend, talking about needing dental work done and not being able to afford to get a tooth pulled in Australia, let alone actually teeth FILLED...

I can't wait to go back to Thailand again!

I could live there forever.

Shit NFT's! You just reminded me the NFTtopia is on! (sorry I just finished work jut then)

Talk soon!

My first two months in Thailand were spent learning Thai in Huahin so I have a soft-spot for the place even though it has developed so much since. Cha'am is okay but feels too much like a retirement home for western men most of whom could really do with some exercise and a better diet!

Haaa lol... unfortunately I didn't get to spend a lot of time in either- just day or night trips when I was up at the sanctuary, and a few nights in Hua Hi before heading south, but had great times when I was there and I can't wait to go back.

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